- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Pet Bricks

Enviado por   •  12 de Marzo de 2014  •  488 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  250 Visitas

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The name of the project is Creation of PET bricks for the construction of houses and in overall the project is to create economic bricks through the recycling of many plastic bottles that come from all over the ABURRA VALLEY

This project may have a competitive advantage in the market for the crisis in the construction sector in Medellin for example that happened to the building space, buyer confidence has declined by the incorrect use of traditional materials. The costs of building materials at the moment are very high without workforce, we as project managers left the PET brick at a much lower cost.

2 diapositiva

Between the objectives of the project are to produce bricks which is the main and recruit many recyclers that bring us plastic bottles, depending on the volume brought, we pay tor them.

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as the objective is to have a competitive advantage in the market, the idea is to produce the bricks in such a way that the cost of sales is very low, for this proposal is to use the extruder of the University of Antioquia because initially the cost Information of this machine is very high, the extruder works as follows:

first chop and wash PET, virgin pet then merges with recycling at temperatures up to 90 degrees, there goes the molding machine that is in the same extruder machine and cooled in a water tank.

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• General Manager: Lead and represent the organization to efficiently use the resources of the institution.

• Financial Advisor: Keep a complete record of the assets and liabilities of the company

• Business advisor: Manage suppliers and customers

• Production manager: Make decisions and plain the production processes of the company and manage the workforce and recruitment.

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• Resistant:

Due to material and design that the blocks are manufactured from recycled plastic , the walls become able to be highly earthquake - resistant , which makes them superior condition with comparatively constructions are made with materials traditionally used .

• Durable

Making home with this system is not only durable, but highly durable , because it supports direct impacts : erosion from climatic agents like wind, sun, water, and insect attack and even pathogens such as bacteria, fungi and the like .

• thermoacoustic

The material and the chemical composition of the blocks are converted to insulating the cold or the heat, keeping the interior of the building a constant average temperature , which allows the construction has an excellent thermal behavior .

His strong grips create a natural barrier against noise , water and wind.

• Guaranteed

These blocks are made from recycled plastic and warranty extends to the terms of biodegradation of the raw material , about 3,000 years.

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