- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Proyecto Ecologico

Enviado por   •  23 de Noviembre de 2014  •  226 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  220 Visitas


A traditionis a way of doing things in a family or a

Culture that is passed down through generations.

Tradition is an important part of identity.

There are different traditions for observing Christmas

Around the world. Many of those traditions are followed

In the United States. Most Christmas traditions that are

followed in the United States began in Europe many

hundreds of years ago. Immigrants, or people who have

moved to a new country, brought these traditions to

North America when they left Europe. Several of these

European Christmas traditions are adaptations of other

Winter traditions, some of which are older than


Of course, traditions vary among people. When people

from different cultures join together, they may adopt or

adapt each other’s traditions. Traditions can also be

modified according to a different generation’s ideas, or

to suit the weather, or for a dozen other reasons.

Despite these variations, most people who observe

Christmas in the United States follow some of the same


We decorate the insides and outsides of our houses with

lights. We use ever green trees for various several

decorations, including wreaths and Christmas trees. We

decorate the Christmas tree with special ornaments. We

assemble nativity scenes and put on play store tell the

story of Christmas. Outside, we sing special Christmas

songs in front of homes and churches. Inside, we watch

movies and read books that celebrate the Christmas

spirit. We spend time finding or making the perfect gift

for our loved ones. We hang stockings by the fire place


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