- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Runway edge lights

Enviado por   •  11 de Junio de 2014  •  666 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  179 Visitas

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1.1 Runway edge lights

Runway Edge Lights are white lights situated along the edges of the declared runway width spaced at 60

They are white except for:

• Caution Zone Lights

Yellow caution zone lights are installed on ILS equipped runways without centerline lights, on the last 600m, or one third of the lighted runway length available, whichever is less.

• Pre-Threshold Lights

On a runway with a displaced landing threshold (an available area in front of the threshold for the take-off run and not the landing), the runway edge lights from the beginning of the pavement up to the displaced threshold are red.

Where the area in front of the threshold is narrower than the associated runway width, the edges are lighted is blue.

• Runway Exit Lights

One or two omni-directional blue lights may replace or supplement the edge lights to indicate an exit taxiway.

• Stop way Lights

Where a stop way is provided the edge lights are red and facing one way so only the landing traffic is able to see them. A stop way is for emergency use only, and not for routine landings.

1.2 Runway threshold and runway end lights

• Runway Threshold lights are always seen green by a pilot on final, indicating the start of the available landing distance.

• Runway End lights are always seen red, indicating the extremity of the runway available for maneuvering.

1.3 Runway centerline lights

For runways supporting low visibility operations high intensity runway centerline lights are installed.

Runway centerline lights are color coded:

• From the threshold until 900 meters from the runway end the centerline lights are white.

• The following 600 meters are alternating red and white lights.

• The last 300 meters are only red lights.

Runway centerline lights are spaced each 30 meters. However for CAT III runway operations, they are spaced each 15 meters.

1.4 Touchdown zone (TDZ) lights

For runways supporting low visibility operations additional touchdown zone lights, consisting of two rows of white barrettes are installed. The touchdown zone lights extend from the threshold light bar for 900 meters or the midpoint of the runway, whichever is the shorter distance.

1.5 Rapid Exit Taxiway Indicator Lights (RETIL)

• Rapid exit taxiway indicator lights consist of six yellow lights in a three/two/one configuration, spaced 100 meters apart (Where the single yellow light is situated 100 meters from the start of the turn).

2 Taxiway lights

2.1 Taxiway edges are provided with blue edge lighting.

Green taxiway centerline lights are provided for low visibility procedures (Where green centerline lights are provided,


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