4° AÑO MATERIA: Inglés .Passive voice
Enviado por mmavic81 • 15 de Octubre de 2020 • Práctica o problema • 366 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 510 Visitas
4° AÑO MATERIA: Inglés SEMANA: 02/11 AL 16/11/20 GUÍA N°03
PROFESORA: Maite Morales
GUÍA #03
- Answer the questions
- What is passive voice?
- How the passive voice is formed in present simple?
- How the passive voice is formed in past simple?
- How the passive voice is formed in future simple?
- Rewrite the sentences in passive voice
- I clean my room every day.
- Tom bought a nice present yesterday.
- Ann will sing a beautiful song.
- Ben repaired my computer yesterday.
- My sister is making a tasty cake now.
- We have bought tickets to the concert.
- Helen teaches French at school.
- They grow strawberries every year.
- Tim sent an SMS to his friend.
- She has written a test today.
- They visited that museum yesterday.
- I am watching a football match now.
- Pam has found the keys in the table.
- Mona is washing the clothes now.
- You have made a lot of mistakes.
- Bill will bring sandwiches.
- They attend lectures every day.
- We are meeting the relatives now.
- He will copy this text.
- He has bought a new car.
- We are playing volley-ball now.
- Our teacher explained the rule.
- She translates the texts every day.
- She is watching a comedy film now.
- He put the candle on the table.
- Pam has bought a new ring recently.
- He will correct the mistakes.
- I have got a beautiful present.
- The cat dropped the vase yesterday.
- I am playing the piano now.
- He has turned off the TV set.
- We receive e-mails every day.
- Nick is eating an ice-cream now.
- She will lend money to her friend.
- I visit Paris every year.
- He has already prepared the report.
PONDERACIÓN: 5% Teoría, 20% Ejercicios prácticos.
INDICACIONES: Las guía debe ser entregada el día lunes 16, o martes 17 de noviembre, en hojas de examen, blancas o ponchadas, debidamente identificada. Las asesorías se realizaran en un horario comprendido de lunes a viernes de 7 am hasta las 12:50 pm solo en la semana radical, por medio del correo mmavic81@gmail.com o comunicarse al 0414-0390643.
NOTA: Realizar las actividades del libro de las páginas: 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 35,36 y 37. Estas actividades deben ser entregadas el 16 de noviembre.