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4° AÑO MATERIA: Inglés .Passive voice

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4° AÑO      MATERIA: Inglés     SEMANA: 02/11 AL 16/11/20 GUÍA N°03

PROFESORA: Maite Morales

GUÍA #03

  1. Answer the questions
  1. What is passive voice?
  2. How the passive voice is formed in present simple?
  3. How the passive voice is formed in past simple?
  4. How the passive voice is formed in future simple?
  1. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice

  1. I clean my room every day.
  2. Tom bought a nice present yesterday.
  3.  Ann will sing a beautiful song.
  4. Ben repaired my computer yesterday.
  5. My sister is making a tasty cake now.
  6. We have bought tickets to the concert.
  7. Helen teaches French at school.
  8. They grow strawberries every year.
  9. Tim sent an SMS to his friend.
  10. She has written a test today.
  11. They visited that museum yesterday.
  12. I am watching a football match now.
  13. Pam has found the keys in the table.
  14. Mona is washing the clothes now.
  15. You have made a lot of mistakes.
  16. Bill will bring sandwiches.
  17. They attend lectures every day.
  18. We are meeting the relatives now.
  19. He will copy this text.
  20. He has bought a new car.
  21. We are playing volley-ball now.
  22. Our teacher explained the rule.
  23. She translates the texts every day.
  24. She is watching a comedy film now.
  25. He put the candle on the table.
  26. Pam has bought a new ring recently.
  27. He will correct the mistakes.
  28. I have got a beautiful present.
  29. The cat dropped the vase yesterday.
  30. I am playing the piano now.
  31. He has turned off the TV set.
  32. We receive e-mails every day.
  33. Nick is eating an ice-cream now.
  34. She will lend money to her friend.
  35. I visit Paris every year.
  36. He has already prepared the report.

PONDERACIÓN: 5% Teoría, 20% Ejercicios prácticos.

INDICACIONES: Las guía debe ser entregada el día lunes 16, o martes 17 de noviembre, en hojas de examen, blancas o ponchadas, debidamente identificada. Las asesorías se realizaran en un horario comprendido de lunes a viernes de 7 am hasta las 12:50 pm solo en la semana radical, por medio del correo o comunicarse al 0414-0390643.

NOTA: Realizar las actividades del libro de las páginas: 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 35,36 y 37. Estas actividades deben ser entregadas el 16 de noviembre.


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