- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

5s Lean

Enviado por   •  18 de Noviembre de 2014  •  Examen  •  379 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  202 Visitas

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Sort: More often than not, we have tons of unnecessary items laying around. And we spend a lot of time searching for that one special thing that we need in that particular moment, for example: When we need shoes for a special event, we open the closet and find out that the shoes we want shoes are right under our dirty soccer shoes.

Put the things that you use more often in an accessible spot.

Put away items that we don’t longer use, for example: We usually stack up all our clothes in our closet when we could split the summer and winter outfits.

Set in Order: “A place for everything and everything in its place.”

When it's time to eat, do you have to search for everything or is it perfectly organized where you need it?

The same thing happens in your department, where you can arrange your machines. First, clear the area so the machines can be moved, then, move the machines in order from the first operation to the last operation creating flow to eliminate any excess motion.

Shine: What discourages us more than messy places? DIRTY WORKPLACES! You have to improve it gradually. Sweep and mop the floors, clean the surfaces: Tables, cabinets, chairs, etc.

Also clean the skylights and windows making the environment brighter that will even let us find quality issues that we can’t see with artificial light. Cleaning the machines allow us to easily inspect them.

For Example: Having a machine in a dirty place makes it really hard to find an oil leak, but if we have it cleaned out, you can see where it comes out at a glance.

Standardize: Means to be sure that everyone knows what 5s is and that they practice it, continuously evolving and growing.

For example: Everyone should use the same size and fonts in written reports. Every place that is dangerous must have the same warning sign, etc.

Sustain: Means to maintain or in other words once you have change your circumstances for the better, once we want to stay in shape we must keep working to stay healthy. We have to avoid at all circumstances to go back to the way it was before we started or possibly worse.

“Sustained flight” Remain in the air ?? <<< Y eso que tiene que ver aqui?


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