- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

7 Llaves Para Hacer Eficiente Tu Tiempo

Enviado por   •  18 de Mayo de 2015  •  336 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  151 Visitas

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7 Keys to Efficient Time Management

1. Be Self Aware and Observant: Always be aware of how you are spending your time. Keep a detailed log of all you do in 15 minute increments for a few days. Notice where your high energy cycles are and your low energy. Your body has rhythms. Plan to work according to them.

2. Plan Every Day: Every evening briefly review your priorities and schedule for the following day. Every morning, review it again and this time plan and order your tasks in priority order. Use KeepandShare's To Do manager program to order tasks for today. Drag and drop from other lists into a list for 'Today'. Drop each task into High, Medium and Low priority.

3. Eliminate the Unimportant: Order your daily tasks in priority, certain items lower in the list will not get done. If they don't get done for a couple days, consider removing them entirely from the list.

4. Under Commit and Over Deliver: Stress slows you down. If you over promise you'll always feel over stretched and stressed. Instead, minimize the commitments you make to others, and then surprise them by doing more!.

5. Learn to Say No: Deflect tasks from the get go by saying no, politely. E.g., "I'd love to help by taking that task on, but right now my list of work and priorities is very full for weeks to come. I would be doing you a disservice by agreeing to do something I can't properly do."

6. Pick a Single Time Management System and Stick with It: By using justone system, you'll always know where to look to find your list of tasks and priorities.

7. Organize and Reorganize: If things start to pile up, take 15 min each day to tackle the piles. You'll be surprised how satisfying it is to keep them under control. You'll save time by rarely loosing things 'in piles'.

8. Reflect and Review: Every week and month, take some time to look back and observe what went well, and what didn't. What changes should you make to do better going forward?


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