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Actividades Ingles Jurídico II



Adjetivos y Adverbios.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte teórica que trata el tema.

1.Lea atentamente el texto y subraye los adjetivos y adverbios.


A trade union is an association of wage earners whose purpose is to improve the conditions of their working lives. Their legal standing and their rights are well established; they are as lawful and as respectable as banks. Their power and influence have never been greater. They have spread far beyond the ranks of the skilled craftsmen where their early activity was centered. Their leaders are better known and more often on the public eye than most politicians and play a prominent part in public life.

2. Tradúzcalo.


¿Comparativos o Superlativos?

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte teórica que trata el tema.

Traduzca las siguientes oraciones.

1. Each year, there are approximately 1.5 million felony cases (crimes potentially punishable by imprisonment for more than one year) prosecuted; less than three percent of these are prosecuted in the Federal system.

2. A number of states have required unanimous jury verdicts where the Constitution would allow a less than unanimous verdict in a criminal case.

3. The two gunmen left the shop with more than U$S 10,000 worth of watches and jewelry.

4. Dueling in Paraguay is legal as long as both participants are registered blood donors.

5. The leading case Salomon v. Salomon was decided by the House of Lords, the highest court in England, in 1879 and it lays down the principle that a company is a separate entity from its members.

6. The most important element in all contracts is agreement.

7. How do you prove the existence of agreement which is really no more than a state of mind?. English judges, who are more interested in practical solutions than in abstract theories, have adopted a simple approach to this difficult problem.

8. Contrary to popular belief, most contracts in England are just as valid if made by word of mouth as they would be if made in writing. The most important exceptions to this rule are, perhaps, contracts of insurance and all transactions involving land.


Comprensión de texto.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte teórica que trata el tema.

1. Lea el siguiente artículo y marque las trasparencias (aquellas palabras que le resultan conocidas en castellano).

2. Subraye los adjetivos y adverbios que estén en grado comparativo.

3. Conteste en castellano las siguientes preguntas.

a. Which Russian agent dressed as a nun?

b. What name did he give himself?

c. Explain the importance and the usage of false documents.

d. Do secret agents receive training?

4. Diga si las siguientes afirmaciones son Verdaderas (V), Falsas (F) o No están mencionadas en el texto (NO). En caso de ser falsas, indique en castellano la respuesta correcta.

a. A spy in a false beard is more likely to be successful than in a uniform.

b. For five years, nobody realized Sister St. Innocence was really a man.

c. When an agent takes another name he has to be able to live apart from his family and to have no contact with it during his operation.

d. It was in 1970 when Viktor Spencer was given the job of photographing tombstones in Canadian graveyards.



Nexos subordinantes

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte teórica que trata el tema.

Una las oraciones de la columna A con su correspondiente de la columna B.


1 A jury is a group of people who A ... defends or prosecutes

2 A lawyer is a person who B ... decides if someone is guilty or innocent

3 A fine is the money which C ... trials take place.

4 A court is the place where D ... sentences a criminal.

5 Witnesses are the people who E ... is paid as punishment.

6 A judge is the person who F ...declare what they know about a crime.


Traducción de nexos subordinantes.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte teórica que trata el tema.

1. Marque los nexos subordinantes presentes en el texto.

One night a burglar broke into a house. While he was stealing things, the telephone rang. The burglar answered the phone and said that there was nobody in. The caller asked who the burglar was and he answered he was a gardener. The caller was suspicious and wondered why there was a gardener there at night. After he had finished talking to the burglar, he rang the police and the burglar was arrested.

2. Tradúzcalo.


Reconocimiento de tipos de nexos subordinantes.

Antes de realizar el ejercicio, repase la parte teórica que trata el tema.

Traduzca las siguientes oraciones y luego indique si los nexos subordinantes en ellas son simples o compuestos.

1. Inflation of currency is not taken into account, as the sum awarded may be invested so as to offset inflation.

2. The onus of proof that interest is recoverable on a debt or loan is on the creditor, except in certain commercial transactions.

3. A buyer is liable for the difference between the contract and the market prices if he refuses to accept delivery and the market price is lower.

4. If a judge is sitting without a jury he will assess the damage himself.

5. At the initial appearance or the second appearance, the defendant will be asked to state whether he pleads not guilty, guilty or no contest.

6. The terms written or unwritten are misleading because the expression "written" law signifies any law that is formally enacted, whether reduced to writing or not, and the expression "unwritten" law signifies all unenacted law.

7. Since the fashion was set by the Code Napoleon many continental countries have codified much of their law, public and private.

8. Although Parliament casts increasing multitudes of statutes upon us, we have not adopted the system of wholesale codification which prevails in continental countries.

9. When a judge rules in such a case he legislates because future courts must follow him.

10. The range of subjects on offer is wide – from Family Law to International Law – though in practice most undergraduates take Contract Law o Land Law.

11. Although many undergraduates who read law do so with the intention of practising, do not, preferring instead to go into administration or accountancy.



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