- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

About Beauty In English

Enviado por   •  12 de Diciembre de 2013  •  402 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  270 Visitas

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Beauty is an issue that is worrying us since we are aware of who we are and the different sexes. We love the idea of seducing people who are looking at us because of our beauty. We love creating interest in how we dress and how nice we are.

However, despite this, we all want “to be one” and being like everyone else. We can’t stand a huge nose, a bald person, flapping ears. We want to be like the rest and go unnoticed.

For this reason, aesthetic cosmetic surgery started to be developed and is gaining adepts every day.

Cosmetic surgery was originally intended to accidents and errors of nature but little by little has been coming into our lives steadily.

In the age of consumerism that we are living in, it began to appear aesthetic canons that didn’t conform to the reality of women. Media agencies created women which didn't exist. They showed drawings where the woman was thin and beautiful, with silky hair and long legs, beautiful eyes and perfect skin.

With the arrival of the TV and photography to our homes, these famous drawings came true after hiring fashion models which were forced to lost weight to extreme limits. It was a copy of the previous drawings. All these models, all these images, provoked that all women wanted to imitate them; they wanted to be exactly like them. All was made to follow this image: the mannequins, Barbie dolls, the ladies who came out on television, the artists

Of course, all these facts have caused a psychological damage in all the society of which we are still coming through by increasing our self-esteem

In my opinion, a point against plastic surgery is that in most cases are psychological problems that should be taken care before you rush and undergo a dangerous surgery. Secondly, if you know that something can be changed, you try to change it and don't even think about trying to assume things and be happy as you are. It's something like "the easiness of life", which is not real.

As a young woman as I am, I can't be against cosmetic surgery because even though I don't need it yet, maybe tomorrow I see the necessity.

What I am trying to say is that I'm not for or against.

As a conclusion, each of us must decide what to do with her body and take the best decisions for pursuit of happiness.


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