Advertising In Childhood
Enviado por Lafuentil • 17 de Octubre de 2012 • 291 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 425 Visitas
Advertising in Childhood (by EASA)
Advertising that is directed to children must not exploit their credulity, lack of experience or their sense of loyalty, and must not present information or illustrations that might result in their physical, emotional or moral harm.
Products prohibited from sale to minors must not be advertised in such a way as to appeal particularly to persons under legal age, and people featured in advertisements for such products must be, and clearly seen to be, adults under the law.
➢ Protection of Minors
“Special care should be taken in marketing communication directed to or featuring children or young people. Such communications should not undermine positive social behaviours, lifestyles and attitudes.
Products unsuitable for children or young people should not be advertised in media targeted to them, and advertisements directed to children or young people should not be inserted in media where the editorial matter is unsuitable for them. Material unsuitable for children should be clearly identified as such." (EASA)
➢ UK. ASA OCT, 11TH, 2010
Advertisements posted with 100 yards of schools and nurseries must not contain overly sexual images.
➢ A guideline as to what qualifies as sexual:
• Amorous or sexually passionate facial expressions
• Exposure of breasts, including partial
• Poses such as hands on the hips, gripping of hair in conjunction with a sexually suggestive facial expression
• Images of touching oneself in a sexual manner, such as stroking the legs or holding/gripping the breasts
➢ Greek legislation prohibiting advertising for toys on television between 07:00 and 22:00
➢ In Sweden, a prohibition on television advertising addressed to children under the age of 12.
➢ In the UK in 2007, the statutory television regulator Ofcom introduced rules prohibiting the advertising during children’s programming of products high in fat, salt or sugar.