- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Alpura (ingles

Enviado por   •  15 de Septiembre de 2015  •  Documentos de Investigación  •  517 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  370 Visitas

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Instituto Politécnico Nacional[pic 1][pic 2]

Escuela Superior de Comercio y Administración

Unidad Santo Tomas

Student: Hernandez Frausto Ximena Elizabeth

Career: Trade Relations

Grup: 3RM11

Turn: Morning

Teacher: Taningco Baylon Arsenia

Matter: Analytical Marketing

Homework: Alpura History, Maslow Pyramid and Product life cycle.


Alpura History

In Mexico in the 50s, each herd their milk processed and distributed independently. In this context, a group of dairy farmers, competing with each other, visualized the idea of uniting to improve the quality of their milk. Thus was born the National Association of Milk CV.

On May 3, 1971, began construction of the plant that would be precedent for milk production processes.

The July 25, 1972, the first milk was pasteurized preferential newly constructed plant.

Alpura was the first company to market ultra pasteurized milk product Alpura 2000.Este revolutionized the dairy industry in Mexico.

On the way to provide the best, in 1978, Alpura improves the taste of your traditional cream creating Alpura sour cream, which, until today, is the favorite of millions of Mexicans.

To schedule the production of the farms located north of the country, founded in 1980, Plant Delights in the state of Chihuahua.

Currently, Alpura consists of 254 members, owners of 142 farms, in which live more than 106 000 500 cows, of which 92 000 are in production period, generating nearly three million liters of milk a day and more 900 million a year, offering well over 100 to the consumers products.

Meeting the needs of consumers, developing innovative, high quality products, which should provide a healthy lifestyle by providing the best nutrition and confidence.

Being the number one in quality and innovation of dairy and nutritional drinks.

Nowadays Alpura products are positioned in the market as the most consumed.

Offers a variety of products that satisfies the target market

Products, brands, or services it offers.

        [pic 3][pic 4]

Pasteurized milk

              Ultrapasteurize  milks

.[pic 5][pic 6]

Specialty milks Flavored milks

[pic 7][pic 8][pic 9]

KIDS Fruits milk Little milk

[pic 10][pic 11]

Powdered milk Fortileche

[pic 12][pic 13]

Cream[pic 14][pic 15]


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