- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Antología De Ingles

Enviado por   •  19 de Julio de 2012  •  736 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  594 Visitas

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Tuesday 6th March 2012

Ordinals numbers Cardinal numbers

1st first 1

2nd 2

3rd 3

Days of the week

Sonday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Thursday Friday Saturday

Months of the year

January February March April May June

July August September October November December

I can speak


I am: we use it to say abilities we can do or prohibited strum

For example

(+) (-)

I can see we in my eyes I cannot speak in the class

I can walk with my legs I cannot drink beer

I can eat I can´t smoke in the hospital

Wednesday 7th March 2012

I can speak English can – puedo

And what?

Aim: It is a modal verb

(+) I can speak English

(-) Cannot speak English

(?)Can I speak English?

Yes I can

No I can´t

(+) (-)

I can withdraw money I cannot withdraw money

You can water the plants You cannot water the plants

He can walk around the park He cannot walk around the park

She can knock at the door She cannot knock at the door

It can bark at might at the might It cannot bark at might

You can skirt the puddle You cannot skirt the puddle

We can point the wall We cannot paint the wall

They can E-mail me They cannot E-mail me

Monday 12th March 2012

Regular – ed (pronunciation)

1) Use /t/ after unasked final sounds: f, k, p, s, ch, sh.

Coked, stopped, kissed, watched, pushed, bonded.

2) Use /d/ after voiced final sounds: m, g, Ω, r, v, l, b, z.

Drummed, bugged, waged, slurred, called, fobbed, continued, fizzed, lived.

3) Final /d/ and /t/ - two syllables

Waited (ia), wedded (ld)

Tuesday 13ht March 2012

Let’s member

Past tense endings

Regular verbs Irregular verbs

Aim: They are words that help Aim: they are words that hel use

us to say actions to from past to say actions to form past tense

tense we just add-eat the end we must change its writing or

of the word sometimes the are unchangeable

Infintive Past tense Past participle

Jump Jumped Jumped

Work Worked Worked

Walk Walked Walked

Paint painted Painted

Infinitive Past tense Past participle

Hit Hit Hit

Wakeup Wake up Waken up

See Saw Seen

Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn

I jump everyday I hit everyday

I jumped yesterday I hit yesterday

I have jumped I have hit

Wednesday 14ht March 2012

The parts of

my name

My full name –is Luiz Alberto Campell Ruiz

My first name –is Luiz

My second name –is Alberto

My last name –is Campell (Ruiz)

My middle name


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