- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Apuntes Varios en inglés.

Enviado por   •  6 de Febrero de 2016  •  Apuntes  •  1.854 Palabras (8 Páginas)  •  239 Visitas

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Before you read

You can use a dictionary.

  1. Choose the correct noun to complete these sentences.

Cage  cricket  growls  holy  human  priest  temple

a) My cousin has a rat, which she keeps in a: cage

b) If you want to join in a religion, you can talk to a: priest

c) Cricket is India's national sport

d) Neil Armstrong was the first human to walk on the moon in 1969

e) A dog  growls before it attacks

f) If a thing or a place is special in a religion, it is holy

g) In some religions, people pray in a temple

  1. Look at the ´People and places´ on pages 4-5.

a) Why does Pi love animals, do you think?

Because he lives in a zoo.

b) Where do Pi's family live when he is a boy?

Pondicherry, in India

c) Where is the Tsimtsum sailing to? What ocean does it cross?

To Canda, it cross the Pacific Ocean

d) How old is Pi when his amazing adventure starts?


After you read

  1. Choose the best answers.

a) Who is ´I´ in the Writer's Note on page 6?

        The writter

        b) Who is ´I´ when the story starts on page 8?


        c) In Pi's opinion, what do animals think of life in a zoo?.

        Because they like it

        d) Wich of these animals are friends in Pi's zoo?

        the rhinos and goats

        e) Why do the Patels decide to leave Pondicherry Zoo?

        There aren’t enough visitors.

  1. What do you think?

Are zoos a good thing or a bad thing?

         I actually believe that zoos are not the right place where an animal must pass the rest of his life, it should be free, in the natural environment for the creatures.

Before you read

You can use a dictionary

  1. Make sentences.

a) A big ship has                                 I) four big paws  [pic 1][pic 2]

b) A lifeboat has                                ii) very big engines[pic 3]

        c) The crew work                                iii) without food or drink for many days.[pic 4][pic 5][pic 6]

        d) A raft                                         iv) on a ship[pic 7]

        e) A heavy stone                                v) floats on the sea[pic 8]

        f) A person suffers                                 vi) skins in the water

        g) A tiger has                                 vii) benches to sit on

After you read

  1. Answer the questions

a) What happened to the ship four days after they left Manila?

It sank

b) What happened to Pi when the crewmen threw him over the side of the ship?

He landed in the lifeboat.

c) Why did the lifeboat break away from the ship?

Because a zebra jumped into the lifeboat and the ropes broke

d) What did Pi do when Richard Parker climbed onto the lifeboat?

He jumped into the sea

e) Pi tought that Richard Parker had fallen off the lifeboat? Why?

Because the hyena and the zebra were still alive.

f) Why didn´t Pi help the zebra?

        Because he was worrying about himself.

  1. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.

a) The orang.utan kills the hyena. F

The hyena kills the orang-utan,

b) Before Richard Parker came to the zoo, his name was Thirsty. T

c) After Pi finds the shipś biscuits, he eats six in one day. F. He eats nine in half an hour

d) Pi eats a rat.    F. Richard Parker eats a rat

e) Pi plans to kill Richard Parker    F. He plans to keep him alive

  1. Wich of these things can Pi do after he finds the survival cupboard?

He can keep warm, eat, build a raft, write and drink

  1. What do you think?

Could you buil a raft on your own?

Yes it's not so complicated

Before you read

  1.  Put the correct word in each sentece.

Blind     fur     rub    seaweed

a) Don't rub your eyes if they are hurting.

b) A blind person cannot see

c) You can find seaweed on the beach

d) A Bengals tiger´s fur is orange and black.

After you read

  1.  Choose the correct word[pic 9]

a) Pi writes himself a list: it makes him feel better/worse.[pic 10]

b) Richard Parker finds it easy/hard to catch the flying fish.[pic 11]

c) Pi is happy/upset when he kills his first fish.[pic 12]

d) Pi learns that blue water is deeper/shallower than green water.[pic 13]

e) Pi signs ´Happy Birthdat´ on his own/ his mother´s birthday.

  1.  Which things does Pi use to train Richard Parker?

He uses fish, water and a whistle.

  1.   Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.

a) Pi loses his raft and most of hiss food in a storm   T


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