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Biosecurity in the animal industry is based on management practices that prevent entry or spread of infectious diseases in a herd or flock.

Biosafety phases

Mitigation: The mitigation is a type of prevention that reduces the danger or harm securing home against infectious diseases.

Preparation: Includes planning, training and implementation of mitigation practices. Producers analyze the weaknesses and strengths of its facilities to determine the most effective ways to protect them.

Reply: Handle an outbreak and disease effectively and efficiently. The first 24 hours are critical; it must immediately inform the veterinarian or animal health regulatory authority state or federal abnormal health problems in animals, including mass deaths and unusual symptoms such as blisters on the nose, mouth and udder. While you make a faster diagnosis and quarantine zones establescan more likely is to control the spread of the disease.

Recovery: Recovery begins when you have eradicated or controlled disease flare during recovery facilities put back on a level of acceptable performance. part of the recovery process can be covered wells, groundwater sampling and disinfect the facilities. recovery after the process returns to the mitigation phase, so it can improve the areas that need attention.

Vaccination plan

Vaccination is an essential component in disease prevention plan. the vaccine primes the animal's immune system to respond quickly to a subsequent infection by specific microbes, viruses and bacteria normally.

Types of vaccines

Tetanus vaccines: Sheep are more susceptible to the disease, being also affected goats young animals are more susceptible to tetanus. The vaccine is produced from Clostridium tetanic toxoid. The dose is 1 cc. and should apply via S. C. Application is recommended at 15 days of age and carry a booster at 30 days. Then continued with annual boosters. It is convenient vaccination of females during the 3rd month of gestation.

Anthrax vaccine (Anthrax): Both sheep and goats are susceptible to anthrax so it is advisable to vaccinate in enzootic areas. The vaccine is formulated to be used as a suspension of spores of Bacillus anthracis sterne strain. The dose is 1 ml and S.C. Palica once, then annual boosters.

Vaccine against ecthyma contagious: Disease, caused by a virus called parapoxvirus that usually affects mostly young sheep, is made by skin scrapings from the inner thigh and application of 1 drop of vaccine. Realize it is recommended at 2 months of age and is unique for life.

Vaccine against clostridiosis: The design is up to each laboratory generally polyvalent vaccines to protect against clostridium clostridiosis chauvoei, septicum, perfringens types c and d, novyi sordellii (edemeatiens). Including some formulas include clostridium tetani. is recommended to apply 3 cc via s. c. from the 2-3 months of age (time of weaning) and make a revaccination at 3 weeks after the first and then annually. Vaccinate ewes at 3 months of gestation natural passive immunity conferred lambs up to 2 months old. Also always take booster vaccinations to animals that will be submitted to diets with concentrates.

Vaccine against rage paresiante: is a vaccine that protects against rabies virus prepared with fixed virus (strain Pasteur). The application of rabies vaccine in sheep and goats depend on the area in which the establishment is located, is recommended for use in areas such as mountains and mountains (for presence of vampire bats) and urban areas (presence


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