- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  21 de Noviembre de 2013  •  346 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  230 Visitas

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Bogotá: A city for all country

The Colombian capital is the center of several activities, so for to get is very easy: by air or by land for the northern highway, for the “Calera”, south highway or Medellin-Bogotá highway and Villavicencio avenue. The weather varies according o the time of the year: there are two rainy seasons: the first is in the months of march, April and may, and the second is in the months of September, October and November; now the driest season of the year are between in the months of January and February, and July an August.

The first historical indication in this territory is the “Chibcha” civilization; since 10500 b.c. until the Spanish colonization this town was very well structured except for his writing; all history and culture we can visited in the gold museum in the center of the city.

After of the colonization the conqueror Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada performed the foundation of “Santafe” and after of many cultural and scientific expeditions, in 1810 takes places on most important event of the country: THE COLOMBIA´S INDEPENDENCE and all history we can see in the all museum in the center of the city like “the house of the 20 of July”.

There are a variety of activities for make, the recreation is very important for this there are various diversion parks because they help to integrate the family and remove stress.

The sport has big spaces for practice, there are schools and parks; and anyone can participate in the activities. The sports frequently practices are the football, skating, swimming, basketball and aerobics or dance. The activity more important in the city is the cycling and always every weekend all the major avenues of the city are blocked for this.

To get to the city must be kept warm,

Have a map and have a guide or a person who knows

The city and all his history.

Bogotá is a beautiful city, has many historical sites

And transportation to access anywhere for does many

Activities as sports and cultural visits.


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