- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Cartas En Ingles

Enviado por   •  31 de Marzo de 2014  •  248 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  254 Visitas

ñVillahermosa, Tabasco today is March 31, 2014

Subject: Request for a visit

Rodolfo Lara Lagunas

Estimated education secretary

By this letter , we want to communicate to students the 4th semester group "D" of the Rosario Maria Gutierrez Skildsen Normal School degree in Preschool education are interested in visiting and meeting facilities "SE" Secretary of Education about the services they provide, and what services are provided there.

Therefore, we ask in the coming weeks if we can make a guided visit to the site to complement the curriculum of the art of teaching strategies . Our visit then, is only intended for educational purposes and not for profit nor advertising .

We appreciate the receipt of our request and await their response attentive .


Students of 4th semester group "D" of the Normal School Maria Rosario Gutierrez Skildsen Preschool Education.

Villahermosa, Tabasco today is 31 ° March 2014

dear friend

How you been? How about? I received your letter last week and I was glad to hear your news. Still studying medicine? I'm on a 4th semester degree in early childhood education

My family is well and send you greetings. My mom wants to know when we go to visit Tabasco , just finished the show you did not miss anything was ugly haha

Well, I have nothing more to write, I hope to receive another letter from you, by the way at Easter'll cancun with my family so I have to see us.

I hope you write me soon.

hugs and kisses

Lupita Martinez


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