- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Charla De Ingles

Enviado por   •  22 de Septiembre de 2011  •  308 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  926 Visitas

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Questions for Dialogue

a. What happens in the dialogue?

Gerry and Lynne talk about education.

b. How does Gerry feel today?

Gerry is happy.

c. Why?

For all their exams Gerry steps in school.

d. What grade is Gerry in?

Gerry is in grade 7 now.

e. What grade is Lynne in?

Lynne is in Grade 6.

f. Does Gerry want to go to the university after he finishes high school?

Of course.

g. What does he want study?

Gerry plans to study architecture.

h. What does he to be?

Gerry wants to do architecture.

i. Does Lynne know what she wants to study after high school?

Lynne does not know that study after finishing high school.

j. What does Gerry suggest?

Gerry suggested that maybe Lynne can study about computers.

k. What does Lynne say about computers?

Lynne says that computers are increasingly important in school, at work, and even at home to keep up with globalization.

l. What big word does Lynne use?

The big word is used Lynne: Globalization

m. What does Gerry say to Lynne next?

Gerry told Lynne that can then become a scientist or a university professor if you can keep saying big words.

n. What does Lynne say that every student should know?

Lynne says that every student has to understand about globalization to succeed in life.

o. Did Gerry learn something from Lynne?

Gerry Lynne learned that every student has to understand about globalization to succeed in life.

p. What will happen if you study a lot?

The more you study, the more successful in the future.

q. Does Gerry want to be a loser?

Gerry does not want to be a loser.

r. What does he want to be?

Gerry wants to be the best architect of Panama.

s. What does Lynne want him to do for her in the future?

Lynne Gerry wants you to design your future home.

t. Do you know what globalization is?

Globalization is an economic technological, social and cultural scale, which is the increased communication and interdependence among countries in the world by unifying its markets, societies and cultures through, a series of social, economic and political that give a global character.


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