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XOCHIMILCO axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)

Features:Although it belongs to the group of Salamanders, an important feature of these salamanders is that they have a process of metamorphosis equal to the most amphibians and reach sexual maturity without changing their morphology youth.

Habitat: These animals are currently endemic to the canals of Xochimilco (desiccation and pollution which threatens)

feeding: Minnows. In captivity they are fed small pieces of fresh beef or fish, water flea or shrimp larvae.

Reproduction: They breed between the months of January to March, the water temperature being a factor in their reproduction. For reproduction takes place is necessary courtship, the couple of salamanders on the muzzle to their sewers, later the male releases a spermatophore, which is collected with the cloaca by the female and thus takes effect fertilization. The female lays about 619 eggs on average, which require 14 days to complete development and hatch.

Relationship with humans: They attributed healing properties, are used to produce various medical items as syrups for respiratory infections. It is also a species that in the past century has been used abundantly for scientific research in laboratories.Another of the pressures that this animal is subject is the introduction of other species of salamanders that are native to other states of the country which has resulted in stiff competition among species for food resources. This introduction led to artificially initiate a process of interbreeding between different species, which implies that under natural conditions, the genetic information of Xochimilco Axolotl will erode gradually.

AJOLOTE DE XOCHIMILCO (Ambystoma mexicanum)

Características:Aunque pertenece al grupo de las Salamandras, una característica importante de estos ajolotes es que no presentan un proceso de metamorfosis igual al de la mayoría de los anfibios y llegan a la madurez sexual sin cambiar su morfología juvenil.

Hábitat:Estos animales son actualmente endémicos de los canales de Xochimilco (cuya desecación y contaminación los amenaza)

Alimentación: Peces pequeños. En cautiverio se les alimenta con fragmentos pequeños de carne fresca de res o pescado, pulga de agua o larvas de camarón.

Reproducción: Se reproducen entre los meses de enero a marzo, siendo la temperatura del agua un factor determinante en su reproducción. Para que la reproducción se lleve a cabo es necesario un cortejo, en que la pareja de ajolotes acerca el hocico hacia sus respectivas cloacas; posteriormente el macho libera un espermatóforo, el cuál es recogido con la cloaca por la hembra y de esta forma se lleva a cabo la fertilización. La hembra deposita unos 619 huevos en promedio, los cuales requieren de 14 días para completar su desarrollo y


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