- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Condicionales En Ingles

Enviado por   •  2 de Octubre de 2013  •  360 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  481 Visitas

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1. If I lose my job now I ...

would start a business of my own.

will take a long holiday and apply for a new job later.

2. If he calls me 'lazy' again I ...

won't ever help him again if he's in trouble.

go and tell his parents.

3. Philippa won't ever speak to me again if ...

I let her down now.

I would let her down now.

4. If the demand increases prices ...


will rise.

5. Our dog Gelert will start licking you if ...

you pat him on the back.

you will give it a cuddle.

6. Don't be offended. If Jane is annoyed she ...

will start yelling at people.

starts yelling at people.

7. If Jeremy doesn't answer the phone this time I ...

won't call again.

don't call again.

IF condition result

present simple WILL + base verb

If I see Mary I will tell her.

If Tara is free tomorrow he will invite her.

If they do not pass their exam their teacher will be sad.

If it rains tomorrow will you stay at home?

If it rains tomorrow what will you do?

result IF condition

WILL + base verb present simple

I will tell Mary if I see her.

He will invite Tara if she is free tomorrow.

Their teacher will be sad if they do not pass their exam.

Will you stay at home if it rains tomorrow?

What will you do if it rains tomorrow?

If + Past Simple



If you travelled, you would meet people. EL SEGUNDO CONDICIONAL

Su estructura es If + pasado + condicional y se usa para indicar condiciones hipotéticas

referidas al presente, es decir que podrían tener lugar pero es poco probable que lleguen

a término.

If I had more time, I would study German.

En español se usa el pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo en lugar del pasado.

Si el verbo de la oración subordinada es to be se puede utilizar were con todas las


If she were older, she would get the job.

Siempre se usa were con el pronombre I cuando damos un consejo.

If I were you, I would talk to him about this problem.

VariacionesLas variaciones más frecuentes de la estructura básica del segundo condicional son los

verbos modales could y might, pero estos denotan que la probabilidad de que la hipótesis

se cumpla es todavía menor que si se usa would. Es español equivalen a las expresiones

“tal vez” , “quizás”.

If you studied, you could/might get good results.




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