- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Control de idioma inglés

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Full name:

Student's ID:

UNIDEG Branch:

Centro UNIDEG Irapuato


Ingeniería Industrial Manufactura


Lengua Extranjera II

UVEG Teacher:


Elabora los enunciados similares a los que se muestran en las diapositivas indican a continuación. Recuerda que debes utilizar oraciones diferentes a las de las diapositivas.


  1. My sister was a nurse, she studied and specialized in gynecology.
  2. We were students, graduated and now are software developer at Google.
  3. They were engineers worked at General Motors, now are managers.
  4. I was a worked, but decided to study and became an engineer.
  5. Carla was stewardess, later married and became housewife.

AGE (2.4)

  1.  I was 22 year, old when I decided to pursue a carrer in UNIDEG.
  2. My mom was 23, when she married my father.
  3. José Luis was 26, decided to take a job as an engineer at Pemex.
  4. Carmen was 18, when he traveled to Cancun.
  5. They were 4 year old when they lived in Guanajuato.


  1. I was very bored in math class.
  2. Carla was angy that her boyfriend did not arrived on time.
  3. We were happy, we wanted to meet the new family member.
  4. She was crazy when she opened her birthday.
  5. Juan was grumpy that ran much.


  1. Jim Morrison was known as the Lizard King.
  2. Freddie Mercury was Singer of the band Queen.
  3. John Lennon was a composer and Singer in the quartet of the Beatles.

PART 2. Crea la página 3 de tu documento y sigue las instrucciones a continuación:

Incluye en esta página los ejercicios de la diapositiva: NOTEBOOK EXERCISE 1A donde escribiste 10 expresiones acerca de lugares y estados de ánimo. Observa los ejemplos.

  1. My sister and I were at my cousins, it was very boring.
  2. My son was at home watching tv excited.
  3. José Luis was at a party, where he met and fell in love Sandra.
  4. I was at a concert excited about meeting my favorite artist.
  5. I was at secondary school 15 years ago and i vas very messy.
  6. I was on vacationes last summer, it was very expensive.
  7. We were at a party some day ago, and one of my friends was a Little drunk.
  8. Carlos was in school studying, when he began to get sick.
  9. My brother was formed buying tortillas, he started to get angry.
  10. We were at a party last week when a friend became euphoric dancing.


Incluye en esta página los ejercicios de la diapositiva NOTEBOOK EXERCISE 1B.

Transforma los enunciados de la diapositiva de presente a pasado simple.

  1. They received the investors in the meeting room.
  2. Tom explained management plans.
  3. I prepared the papers for their signature.
  4. We wanted them for the project.
  5. You observed the new equipment.
  6. He needed more revenues for the company.
  7. The investors listened with interest.
  8. We mentioned the quality of the product.
  9. The company employed experts.
  10. You decided correctly.
  11. She considered all the regular reports.
  12. I identified some improvement areas.
  13. Alicia disagreed with some opinions.
  14. The partners approved the proposal.
  15. We calculated the risks.

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Elabora una tabla de 2 columnas con 7 filas.

Coloca en la columna izquierda las 7 oraciones tal como están en la diapositiva NOTEBOOK EXERCISE 1C y transforma cada oración a su forma negativa en la columna de la derecha.



The meeting lasted for three hours.

The meeting didn´t last for three hours.

They answered some interesting questions

They didn´t answer some interesting questions.

I walked to his office.

I didn´t walk to his office.

She asked the investors to stars the visit.

She didn´t ask the investors to stars the visit

He opened the envelope with the contract.

He didn´t open the evelope with the contract,

You considered the best candidate.

You didn´t consider the best candidate.

We planned to develop new projects.

We didn´t plan to develop new projects.


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