- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Práctica escrita de idioma inglés

Enviado por   •  2 de Febrero de 2016  •  Apuntes  •  345 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  120 Visitas

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Son: Thank god you’re here dad

Father: why, what happen? Are you okay?

Son: no, I feel terrible, I think I have flu, I’m weak

Father: and you can’t go by yourself, you’re older enough, you have your own car and everything.

Son: dad, what’s wrong with you, I feel weak, isn’t safe to drive like this,

Father: alright, don’t worry, I’ll take you to the hospital, let’s go


Nurse: hi sr, what can I help you?

Father: hi, my son has a problem, he’s very weak

Nurse: do you mind if I ask to your son about it?

Father: oh, don’t worry, I don’t mine, go ahead

Nurse: thanks sr, hi mister… ??

Son: Luna

Nurse: yeah thanks, what do you feel exactly?, what’re your symptoms?

Son: I think I have flu and I feel pain in my throat, also I feel very weak

Nurse: alright, I’ll let you see the doctor and I’ll give this info to the doctor, go to the door number seven please.


Doctor: hi Mr. luna , please take a seat , my nurse give me all your info,

             For how long have you been feeling like this?

Son: since yesterday

Doctor: let me take a look……………. You have sore throat and flu, so that means that you have an infection in your throat and that’s why you feel weak and that temperature so high,


I’ll give you a prescription….. do you have any allergies?

Son: just to penicillin

Doctor: okay, this’s your prescription; you need to go with the pharmacist

Son: thanks doctor.


Pharmacist: hi, what can I help you?

Son: this is the prescription that the doctor gives to me  

Pharmacist: okay, let me take a look,

Son: thanks

Pharmacist: okay is 63 dolls, do you want a receive?

Son: yeah please

Pharmacist: okay if you have any problem with the medicine, problems like, if one of the boxes are not complete or something like that, you can come here with your receive and I’ll help you .

Son: thanks mate!

Pharmacist: don’t worries mate! See you




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