- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  19 de Junio de 2014  •  216 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  181 Visitas



KEVIN: Have you ever learned to play an instrument?

ZANDI: No, I haven’t. What about you?

KEVIN: I tried to learn the guitar at school.

ZANDI: And you learn to play guitar

KEVIN: never learned, I thought it was boring.


ZANDI: Have you ever seen a film five times?

KEVIN: Yes, I have. T he film Tres metros sobre el cielo.

ZANDI: I love that film.

KEVIN: really?

ZANDI: Yes, and I saw the film just once.


KEVIN: Have you ever had dancing or singing lessons?

ZANDI: Yes, I have. I had marinera classes When I was a child.

What about you?

KEVIN: I don’t like singing or dancing. But I had a dance course at school.


ZANDI: Have you ever done judo?

KEVIN: Yes, I have. When I’ve been in Lima on holiday.

ZANDI: really?. Were you any good?

KEVIN: yes, I liked to practice judo, but not anymore because I am very busy



KEVIN: Have you ever been in a orchestra?

ZANDI: Yes, I have. When my cousin was still in Trujillo, We went to see the Caribeños De Guadalupe.

KEVIN: oh really?

ZANDI: Yes, and we took photos with them.


ZANDI: Have you ever stayed in a five-star hotel?

KEVIN: No, I haven’t. I stay in hotels 3 and 4 stars but never one of 5 stars. And you?

ZANDI: Nor Do I.


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