- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  7 de Agosto de 2014  •  304 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  210 Visitas

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The phone ring

Lady: Hello Daniel, how are you?

Daniel: Hello, who am I speaking with?

Leidy: It’s Lady from your virtual english class

Daniel: Oh Hello Leidy How have you been? Its been so long!!

Leidy: I know! I’m good thanks, i was calling to know how you’ve been and to ask you something

Daniel: I am doing very well, I’ve been working very hard lately (LAIRELY) . What is it you need to ask me?

LEidy: I’ve been having some pain in one of my upper front teeth (tidh) . It hurts (horts) when I drink cold water. Do you have any idea (airia) what could be wrong?

Daniel: Yes that is a Little weird. if you want, come up to my clinic.

Leidy: Yes please!! That’s a great idea!! Where is it exactly?

Daniel: Once you are in the corner of 7th and 45 th Street you will see a Burger King. Walk west one block and then turn to the left and walk 2 blocks until you find a bakery . Then turn right and you will find a huge building with a big sign that says Dsmile

Leidy: Alright I will be there in twenty minutes. miniuts

After de examination….

Daniel: Well Lady it seems like you have a small gingival retraction due to ypur brushing technique. so I’am going to teach you the right way of brushing them.

Leidy; Thank you so much! Changing (chenging) the subject, do you remember Pedro?

Daniel:Pedro Morales?

Leidy: Yeah!! Well He’s flying to England next wekk. He’s giong to do his masters there, so I was thinking of throwing him a “ going away ( euey)” a party this weeknd.

Daniel: Will it be Saturday or Sunday?

Leidy; Saturday at 7pm. I’ve think of having a barbecue

Daniel: Yeah sure! count me in ¡ Do you need help with anything?


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