- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Day At The Beach

Enviado por   •  11 de Octubre de 2013  •  659 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  498 Visitas

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Descriptive Essay

It was a hot, oppressive day and my friends and I decided that it was a virtuous day to go to the beach. I could see the Sun optimistic yellow pellet, blistering in the sky as we were on our way to the Newport Beach in Rhode Island. The open-air temperature was progressively starting to plunge down and the traffic lanes were starting to get narrower which was a sign that we were close to the beach. We parked our car into the parking spot and started walking across the black asphalt, which emanated heat from the sun. Walking forward I overwhelmingly could see the clear water, which was rich arcane blue in color. As soon as I kept my feet on the silt white sand I could sense the sand burning my feet. I could hear the sound of waves colliding and feel the unruffled sea breeze grooming by.

The beach was swarming with people as I looked around my surroundings. Towards my right were who people laid down on different colored beach towels such as yellow, orange, pink, white and so on while others are on an sun lounger in order to get a sunbathe. Looking down I could see many kids ornamenting their sandcastles with smooth round seashells, which, were covered on the beach. After walking from side to side through numerous groups of people, we finally found an empty spot under a tree. We decided to rest a few minutes under the tree as we had a long two-hour drive from Connecticut so we took our rainbow colored towels out and laid down on the silt sand and soaked ourselves in the sun so that we could run towards the water after finishing our nap.

After a few minutes nap I sprayed the sunscreen on my body and packed up my gear to go into the water. I could see the water was turned azure blue in color now. My friends and I didn’t wanted to cogitate that the water is going to be too cold and we saw a huge way approaching towards us and we didn’t wanted to miss it so we ran towards it and dove straight through the dumping wave. I could taste the salty water the moment I dropped into the water. After popping right back up I could feel the salty water going into my eyes making it red in color and boggy. The water felt invigorating on my scorching skin. The tides were high so the water was deep enough for swimming. There were lots of people in the water. Towards my left were some people playing with volleyball, which was a combination of green, yellow and red in color. Towards my right were people who were having fun on the beach motorcycles with a guide seating behind them. When I looked back I saw parents trying to sweet-talk their kids into the cold water. While coming out from the water I looked up and I saw three people flying Para gliders, which were orange, purple and fluorescent in color.

We were finally now out from the water fully clothed again after we were done taking a shower. We went back under the tree where we were taking a nap before to pick up or belongings such as beach


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