- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Direcciones en igles.

Enviado por   •  21 de Mayo de 2016  •  Tarea  •  438 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  111 Visitas

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A. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to cafeteria on the fifth floor?

B. Yes, of course. You arrive at the entrance, there will be some stairs. Go down them and follow the way.

A. How is the way?

B. Down the stairs, you go down until you get to a source, the way splits in two, you can take either, then you go straight on until you get to you find some stairs, turn the left and you must climb it.

A. Ok, after climbing the stairs to where I'm going?

B. Go straight on until the hallway, then turn left until the end, where you will see baths, turn the left, go past a lift and next you will find the stairs.

A. Ok, so I Go up the stairs at the end of the way, later turn left and next turn right,where I will find the stairs.

B. Yes, and you must climb the stairs to the fifth floor.

A. Upon completion of the stairs I find the cafeteria?

B. No, you must go turn left and It's on the right.

A. Ok, I understand, thank you for your help.

B. You are welcome.

  • Perdón. ¿Dónde está el banco? = Excuse me. Where’s the bank?
  • ¿Está lejos? = Is it far?
  • ¿Me podría decir por dónde se va al banco? = Could you tell me the way to the
  • Un plano, mapa = a map
  • ¿Me lo puede mostrar en el mapa? = Could you show me on the map?
  • Doble en la esquina. = Turn at the corner.
  • Cruce la calle.= Cross the street
  • Está en la acera de enfrente. = It’s on the other side of the street
  • Está al final de la calle. = It’s at the end of the road.
  • Coja la próxima a la izquierda. = Take the next left.
  • Coja la segunda a la derecha. = Take the second road to the right
  • La calle = street/road
  • El callejón = alley
  • Una calle lateral = side street
  • La acera = sidewalk
  • Una autopista = motorway / highway
  • detrás de = behind
  • Cambiar de carril = to change lanes
  • El carril izquierdo = left-hand lane
  • La salida = exitel 
  • norte = north
  • Justo antes del semáforo = just before the traffic light
  • El cruce = the crossroad, the intersection
  • Suba / Baje la calle hasta llegar al semáforo = Go up / down the street until you reach the traffic light.
  • el sur = south
  • el este = east
  • el oeste = west
  • cerca de = near
  • enfrente de = in front of
  • al lado de = next to
  • delante de = in front of


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