- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  13 de Septiembre de 2015  •  Tarea  •  288 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  89 Visitas

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• 1 Successful learning

Is the possibility to learn, assume and direct the own learning through life, and integrate to the written culture.

• How it can be developed in an English class

It can be applied in do more writing activities and communicating with the students by speaking activities.

• 2 Managing of the information

Knowledge, skills and attitudes that students must implement to identify what you need to know at any given time, effectively seek the information it requires, whether that information is relevant to respond to their needs and eventually turn it into useful knowledge to troubleshoot and real information in various contexts of everyday life.

• How it can be developed in an English class

Identify the main ideas in a text, classify and analyze the information.

• 3 Managing of situations

Raise and bring to fruition procedures, manage time, Act with autonomy in the design and development of life projects


• How it can be developed in an English class

Create a reflective forum to Ss write about their life project and what they are going to do in the future.

• 4 Competence to connivance

It is about recognize and value the social, cultural and linguistic diversity, empathy for others and interact harmoniously with nature, Negotiate and reach agreements with other.

• How it can be developed in an English class:

It should be developed in a collaborative activity where Ss brainstorm about something real.

• 5 To the life in the society

Decide and act with critical judgment against the values and social norms and cultural, proceed in favor of democracy, freedom, peace, respect for legality and human rights.

• How it can be developed in an English class

Creating activities where Ss can decide and share opinions about a topic or a situation, working in teams to create a good work environment.


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