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El nuevo Pia de ingles para ingenieros civiles

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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Ingeniería Civil



Eliud Silva Puga


Marx Sebastian Velez Garcia



GRUPO: 003

jueves 1 de junio del 2017


Throughout the time people have been building around the world they have been using different materials that the earth provided.

During which people began to evolve they  began to use other types of materials which they managed to obtain through the exploitation of different resources, this began to happen when the industrial revolution occurred.

It must be known that since the industrial revolution the indexes of pollution and CO2 have been in growing growth is why, due to this growth of pollution, has caused one of the biggest problems nowadays which is global warming

With the industrial revolution and the subsequent development of new technologies, a new conception of building and engineering works appears. The construction of roads and canals was indispensable for the development of the population and the exchanges. With all this became very easy to transport materials from one side to another, it was able to produce heat and cold artificially.

Due to all the pollution and damage that the current materials cause to the environment were created the ecomaterials which are materials that are ecological and do not have an environmental impact.

Now we must define what in fact there are the ecomaterials, this type of materials is natural and healthy, free products of chemical compounds of synthesis and that do not damage the human being and the planet, having, also, a minimal ecological trace.

A very frequent question is that of: how did these materials appear?. This type of materials in fact has always been in the Earth and at our disposal only it is lacking to throw a glance to the ancient constructions which were done of materials as they it are: the mud, ground, between others.

Noble Materials

There exist diverse materials that the Earth provides to us and with which one has come constructing throughout all the time, there are called they to these materials noble materials.


in the this past it was a material that was of most used for the houses construction, etc, this material is used in practically the whole world, at present a third of the populaion keeps on using this material for the construction.

This material has many advantages because this one is in the whole world and to the being a material that provides the Earth to us, does not hurt the environment.


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