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1. The Early Pregnancy

Early pregnancy is one that occurs in children and adolescents. After puberty, the process of physical changes and the child becomes an adult capable of sexual reproduction. This does not mean, however, that the child is prepared to be mother.

Studies indicate early pregnancy is more frequent, it is a priority issue for public health because of the high risk of mortality than usually presented. Babies of teenage mothers , usually have low birth weight and are often premature.

Early pregnancy is linked to a certain social situation, combined with the lack of education on reproductive and sexual behavior, lack of self-consciousness of the age and other factors, which may be poverty (forced to live in situations overcrowding, for example). Sometimes, early pregnancy is linked to violations.

Pregnancy in adolescence is an impact of considerable magnitude in the lives of young people, their health, in your child, your partner, your family, environment and the community as a whole.

Problems In Infants From Teen Moms

• Congenital malformations.

• Developmental problems

• Mental retardation.

• Blindness.

• Epilepsy or cerebral palsy.

These children have many more behavior problems and decreased intellectual functioning.

Babies of teenage mothers have a high mortality rate.

There are marital problems and higher probability of divorce in young couples who joined a pregnancy product. Because of this, the children of adolescents spend much of their lives in a single parent home, and they become a potential population to generate unwanted pregnancies in adolescence future. Pregnant girls are unlikely to continue their studies because some educational institutions choose to deny them entry for fear that they may adversely affect other students. These girls who have left school, they rarely have the opportunity to return to where they left retake. Similarly young parents are at high risk of experiencing periods of unemployment and lower wages

Early Pregnancy Risks

Pregnancy at any age is a very important biopsychosocial event. Often in pregnant teens this fact is accompanied by a series of adverse situations that may threaten the health of both her and her son. This may worsen, if in addition to the young age, the mother is not within the protection of marriage, by putting it in a social situation of rejection.

The consequences of pregnancy and parenting during this period are related to not only health aspects but also psychological, socioeconomic and demographic factors, and the effects can be seen in the young mother and her son, teen parent, families of both and since then in society.

Biological Hazards:

• Obstetric complications .

• Poor medical care during pregnancy, toxemia of pregnancy and preterm delivery.

• Anemia.

• Cephalopelvic disproportion.

• Mechanical and dynamic dystocia.

• Prolonged and difficult labor.

• Death.

• Induced abortions and their complications.

• Uterine perforations.

• Bleeding.

• Infections.

• Increased childhood morbidity and mortality

• Prematurity.

• Low birth weight.

• Congenital diseases.

Psychosocial Consequences

The greatest damage may occur mainly psychological and social level, and that she will face the challenge of assuming his new role as mother, taking over the care, attention and education of his son, even though she has not yet consolidated its training and development.

From the psychosocial consequences are:

• Some young mothers choose adoption that will make a great guilt and regret, especially in more mature stages of his life.

• Some people decide to have the child remain single, becoming a single mother and single parent becoming, face, depending on the countries, major gaps and difficulties. Your life plan is altered and braking, leading to being assaulted by her family and the environment and decreasing the chances to get a job (when they get it is poorly paid), without forgetting that should educate your child in the middle of an unfavorable environment.

• Other young mothers decide if the biological father fatherhood and accept your own risk, form a marriage. However, there are high chances that the marriage does not last since the early father facing an unexpected event, surprise, they are not able at this time to lead a financially independent life partner, are not mature enough to make your relationship last or are prepared to receive a child, much less take care.

Preventing Teen Pregnancy

Most professions education and health indicate that reducing the number of teenage pregnancies is required comprehensive sex education, access to contraception (both precoital, coital and postcoital) as well as family planning services

It is convenient to support parents of teenagers so that they talk to their children about sex, relationships and contraception, especially those considered high-risk groups.

Systems preventing teen pregnancy in force in the Netherlands have been the model for many European countries and they are for many others. In the studies required and specified in the programs and curricula include values, attitudes, communication and negotiation skills, as well as biological aspects of reproduction. The media has encouraged open dialogue and clear about sex and health system guarantees access to contraception and the total confidencialidad.70

In the so-called developing countries, the health and education programs begin to be implemented. Some countries like Indonesia and Sri Lanka have adopted systematic regulatory framework for sex education in schools. Many NGOs such as the International Planned Parenthood Federation (International Planned Parenthood Federation) provide contraceptive advice for young women worldwide. Laws against child marriage have reduced but not eliminated these practices. The improvement of women through literacy,


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