Enviado por Luz Hernandez • 18 de Mayo de 2020 • Tarea • 1.250 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 170 Visitas
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Activity A. Profile. Complete el perfil con su información personal en los espacios de digitación “Type” y de selección “Choose”. En el segundo párrafo describa dos miembros de su familia con información detallada. Use mayúsculas y puntuación adecuadamente. Tome como ejemplo el modelo de longitud, vocabulario y estructuras el ejemplo de la izquierda sin copiarlo directamente.
[pic 2]
[pic 3]
Hello Friends!
My name is Steve Jones. I am from the United States. I am 31 years old. I am married. I am an electrician. I speak English. In my free time I read the newspaperand listen to music. My parents are Mary and Peter; they are Canadian. My dad is acarpenterand my mom is ahousewife. I live in Miami.
I have a brother. His name is Juan; he is a lawyer. He is 38 years old and he is divorced. I also have a sister; her name is Andrea. She is 19 years old. She is a student and she is single. Thanks for Reading my profile!
[pic 4]
Fuente: SENA
Hello friends!
My name is luz nelly. I am from colombia. I am 46 years old. I am married. I am an accounting technician I speak English. In my free time read and listen to music. My parents are mirian and daniel; they are colombian. My dad is agardener and my mom is ahousewife. I live in colombia.
I have a brother, his name is Daniel he is a doctor, he is 38 years old, and he is divorced. I also have a sister; her name is nora, she is 40 years old, she is a student she is single Haga clic o pulse aquí para escribir texto..
Thanks for Reading my profile!
[pic 5]
Representative Image
Activity B. Johanna’s Family. Johana nos presenta su familia en el texto de la izquierda, debemos completar su árbol genealógico en los espacios digitación “Type” y de selección “Choose”. Use mayúsculas y puntuación adecuadamente. Tome como ejemplo los cuadros ya completados y la información del texto a la izquierda. Atención al uso de “his” y “her”, usarlos según lo aprendido en el curso.
“This is my family. I am 20 years old. I am single. I am a university student.
My grandparents are Sara and Pedro. Sara is 70 years old and she is a housewife. Pedro is 74 and he is retired. They are married and have two sons Javier and Oscar.
Javier is 40 years oldand he is a doctor. His wife, Cecilia, is 37 years old and she is an engineer. Charlie istheir son. He is 10 years old and he is a student.
Lina is Pedro’s daughter-in-law. She is 30and she is an actress. Her husband, Oscar, is 36 years old and he is a musician. Their four children are Manuel, Karen, Christian and me, Johana. They are my siblings.
Manuel is 15 years oldand he is a high-school student. Karen is eight years oldand she is a primary school student. Christian is just 8 months old. He is our baby brother. We are Pedro and Sara’s grandchildren. We are Javier’s nieces and nephews and we don’t have an aunt.”
He is Pedro.
She is Sara
He is retired.
She is a housewife.
He is 74 years old.
She is 70 years old
[pic 6]
Sara is his wife.
Pedro is his husband.
He is Oscar.
He is Javier.
He is musician
He is a doctor
Hi Is 36 years old
He is 40 years old
Oscar is his nephew.
Sara is his mother.
She is Lina
She is Cecilia
She is an actress.
She is an engineer.
She is 30 years old
She is 37 years old
Lina is his daughter.
Charlie is his son.
I am Johana.
He is Charlie
I am university student
He is a student
I am 20 years old
He is 10 years old.
Pedro is my father.
Lina is his cousin.
He is Manuel
She is Karen
He is Christian.
He is a high-school student.
She is a primary school
He is 15 years old
She is 8 years old.
He is 8 months old
Javier is his uncle.
Manuel is her brother.
Karen is her sister.
Activity C. Interview. Responda las preguntas planteadas en el cuadro a continuación. Luego grabe un audio respondiendo las preguntas, aloje el audio en línea y comparta su enlace al final del cuadro, se sugiere usar vocaroo.com, pero puede usar la herramienta que mejor conozca. Tome como ejemplo el modelo de la izquierda sin copiarlo directamente.
[pic 7]
¿Cómo usar vocaroo?: https://youtu.be/m8xVHwQFF0I
Question /
Answer Blanks /
Espacios de Respuesta
What is your name?
My name is luz
How do you spell it?
Where are you from?
How old are you?
I am 46 years old
What is your marital status?
I am married
What is your occupation?
English student
Where do you live?
I live Bogota
Who are the members of your family?
My husband and my daughter
How old are they?
My husband 40 years old, my daughter 5 years old
What are their occupations?
My husband is driver, my daughter is a primary school
Who is your best friend?
My best friend is yeimmy
Thank you!
Insert your Vocaroo
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