- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  17 de Mayo de 2015  •  1.219 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  269 Visitas

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1. Prepare una presentación en el idioma inglés en la cual mencione sus principales áreas de interés y que comprenda a lo que se dedicó en los últimos 5 años, fíjese en la conjugación de los verbos y las expresiones de tiempo.

In recent years I have been living in Tacna, where I worked in special services unit was a nice experience I had, because in all that time did good friendships. In addition, being in Tacna, I had time to recover my health. Now I am in Lima since January and I'm happy because I'm with my family, I spend time with my family, the most important'm close to my children. I'm working on an administrative site, it does not require much work and effort, I am now quiet.

2. Prepare una lista de verbos irregulares de la siguiente manera infinitivo – pasado – pasado participio – pronunciación del verbo en infinitivo y traducción por lo tanto va a constar de 5 columnas y con la mayor cantidad de verbos este trabajo se realizará de manera grupal.

Infinitivo Past simple Past participle Traducction

Arise Arose Arisen Surgir

Awake Awoke Awoken Despertarse

Begin Began Begun Empezar

Break Broke Broken Romper

Cut Cut Cut Cortar

Catch Caught Caught Coger

Drive Drove Driven Conducir

Drink Drank Drunk Beber

Eat Ate Eaten Comer

Fall Fell Fallen Caer

Fight Fought Fought Luchar

Get Got Gotten Obtener

Give Gave Given Dar

Have Had Had Tener

Hit Hit Hit Golpear

Keep kept Kept Conservar

know knew Known Saber

Lay laid Laid Poner

Lean Leant Leant Apoyarse

Lose Lost Lost Perder

Make Made Made Hacer

Mean Meant Meant Significar

Meet Met Met Encontrar /Conocer

Pay Paid Paid Pagar

Ride Rode Ridden Montar

Run Ran Run Correr

See Saw Seen Ver

Seek Sought Sought Buscar

Sell Sold Sold Vender

Send Sent Sent Enviar

Write Wrote Written Escribir

3. Presente un dialogo en tiempo futuro aplicando los conocimientos Previos en el idioma inglés referido a su área de trabajo.

Coronel Blanco : Hi, my Comandante , How are you ?

No: Really , I feel stressed .

Coronel Blanco : And ¿Why ? , should be a reason !!

Yo:I will have an exam of civil law , and the problem is that exam will take in two hours .

Coronel Blanco : Are you kidding me ? , you are in big problems ! so what will you do ?

Yo: You know that I´M very smart and also i´am studying law , so I will hope that exam will be easy .

Coronel Blanco : But for next time , you will need to study , don´t forget that next year , you need to do a special course , and past this course of civil law is basic for that .

Yo: I know , but this week i feel so stressed , in the place where i work the schedule is so hard , there are times that i can´t sleep .

Coronel : that´s so bad . I recomend that you will be patient with yours things and make a schedule for your special things .

Yo: Thanks, i´m late for the exam .

Coronel Blanco: go go go . Good luck !!

YO: see you soon !!

4. Se le proporcionará un texto que incluya el presente perfecto. Usted tendrá que realizar preguntas y respuestas en base al texto en inglés.


I have been at the house of Mary just now, Mary have been sad, so I went to see her. She have lost your pet. The dog had lost in the market , it was a very hard for her , Her pet have been with her for over 10 years .

You have been at the house of maria , yes or no ?

Maria have been sad ?

How many years the pet of maria have been with her ?

5. Prepare una exposición de los verbos modales en el idioma inglés utilizando los conocimientos proporcionados en clase y agregando los propios a través de la investigación.

Modal verd


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