Enviado por AYERIM78 • 20 de Febrero de 2014 • Tesis • 5.259 Palabras (22 Páginas) • 274 Visitas
Search for 10 cognates to form a glossary.
Put the words into groups, according to their endings (suffix)
tion organization, information, evolution, expedition, education, foundation,
inspection, construction, exploration, precipitation
sion mission, version, passion, progression, occasion, division, propulsion, profession,
infusion, television, session
submission = sumisión
construction n 1 the process or act of constructing or manner in which a thing is constructed
2 the thing constructed; a structure
a the business or work of building dwellings, offices, etc.
b (as modifier)
a construction site
4 an interpretation or explanation of a law, text, action, etc.
they put a sympathetic construction on her behaviour
5 (Grammar) a group of words that together make up one of the constituents into which a sentence may be analysed; a phrase or clause
6 (Geometry) a drawing of a line, angle, or figure satisfying certain conditions, used in solving a problem or proving a theorem
7 an abstract work of art in three dimensions or relief
See also → constructivism → 1
♦ constructional adj
♦ constructionally adv
education n 1 the act or process of acquiring knowledge, esp. systematically during childhood and adolescence
2 the knowledge or training acquired by this process
his education has been invaluable to him
3 the act or process of imparting knowledge, esp. at a school, college, or university
education is my profession
4 the theory of teaching and learning
a course in education
5 a particular kind of instruction or training
a university education consumer education
Evolution n
1 (Biology) a gradual change in the characteristics of a population of animals or plants over successive generations: accounts for the origin of existing species from ancestors unlike them
See also → natural selection
2 a gradual development, esp. to a more complex form
the evolution of modern art
3 the act of throwing off, as heat, gas, vapour, etc.
4 a pattern formed by a series of movements or something similar
5 an algebraic operation in which the root of a number, expression, etc., is extracted
Compare → involution → 6
6 (Military) an exercise carried out in accordance with a set procedure or plan
(C17: from Latin evolutio an unrolling, from evolvere to evolve)
♦ evolutionary, evolutional adj
expedition 1 an organized journey or voyage for a specific purpose, esp. for exploration or for a scientific or military purpose
2 the people and equipment comprising an expedition
3 a pleasure trip; excursion
4 promptness in acting; dispatch
(C15: from Latin expeditio, from expedire to prepare, expedite)
exploration 1 the act or process of exploring
2 (Med) examination of an organ or part for diagnostic purposes
3 an organized trip into unfamiliar regions, esp. for scientific purposes; expedition
♦ exploratory
♦ explorative adj
foundation n
1 that on which something is founded; basis
2 often pl a construction below the ground that distributes the load of a building, wall, etc.
3 the base on which something stands
4 the act of founding or establishing or the state of being founded or established
a an endowment or legacy for the perpetual support of an institution such as a school or hospital
b ♦ on the foundation entitled to benefit from the funds of a foundation
6 an institution supported by an endowment, often one that provides funds for charities, research, etc.
7 the charter incorporating or establishing a society or institution and the statutes or rules governing its affairs
8 a cosmetic in cream or cake form used as a base for make-up
9 See → foundation garment
10 (Cards) a card on which a sequence may be built
♦ foundational adj
♦ foundationally adv
♦ foundationary adj
information n 1 knowledge acquired through experience or study
2 knowledge of specific and timely events or situations; news
3 the act of informing or the condition of being informed
a an office, agency, etc., providing information
b (as modifier)
information service
a a charge or complaint made before justices of the peace, usually on oath, to institute summary criminal proceedings
b a complaint filed on behalf of the Crown, usually by the attorney general
6 (Computing)
a the meaning given to data by the way in which it is interpreted
b another word for → data → 2
♦ informational adj
inspect vb tr
1 to examine closely, esp. for faults or errors
2 to scrutinize officially (a document, military personnel on ceremonial parade, etc.)
(C17: from Latin inspicere, from specere to look)
♦ inspectable adj
♦ inspectingly adv
♦ inspection n
♦ inspectional adj
♦ inspective adj
Organization An organization (or organisation) is a social entity that has a collective goal and is linked to an external environment. The word is derived from the Greek word organon, itself derived from the better-known word ergon which means "organ" – a compartment for a particular task.
precipitation n 1 (Meteorol)
a rain, snow, sleet, dew, etc., formed by condensation of water vapour in the atmosphere
b the deposition of these on the earth's surface
c the amount precipitated
2 the production or formation of a chemical precipitate
3 the act of precipitating or the state of being precipitated
4 rash or undue haste
5 (Spiritualism) the appearance of a spirit in bodily form; materialization
division n 1 the act of dividing or state of being divided