Enviado por GraMejia • 24 de Junio de 2015 • Tesis • 642 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 210 Visitas
1- Account:
A statement of recen transactions and the resulting balance.
2- Accounting:
The occupation of maintanining and audinting records and preparing financial reporst for a bussiness.
3- Acquisition:
The takink over the control of one Company bu another.
4- Asset:
Anything of value that is owned
5- Balance Sheet
A financial statement that reports assets, liabilities, and owner´s equity to set the policies for the corportation.
6- Board of directiors
A group of people efected by the stockholders of a corporation to set the policies for the corporation.
7- Budget:
A summary of intended expeditures along with proposals for how to meet them.
8- Statement of cash flows
A financial statenent that shows the flow of money in and out the bussiness.
9- CEO
The corporate executive responsable for the operations of the firm.
10- CV
A summary of your academic and work history.
11- Deadline
The point in time at wich something must the be completed.
12- Downsizing
A planned reduction in the number of employees needed in a firm in order to reduce costs and make the bussinees more efficent.
13- End user
The persono r group who will use tje product produced by the proyect.
14- Entrepreneur
A person who organizes, manages and takes on the risk of a bussiness
15- Equity
The difference between the market value of a property and the claims held agains it
16- Exchange rate
The value of a currency in one country compare with the value in another
17- Grant
A sum of money other payment given for a particular purpose
18- Headquters
Usually plural) the office that serves as the administrative center of a Enterprise.
19- Human Resources
Maintains policies, plans, and procured for the effective management of employees
20- Income statement
A financial statement tha gives operanting results for a specific period.
21- Industry
The people or companies engaged
22- Merger
Combination of two or more copnies into single a firm
23- Monetization
The process of converting something that once was free into a product that is sold
24- Multitask
To do more tan one thing at the same time
25- Networking
Using contacts with Friends and family members as a means of finding job leads.
26- Non profit organization
An organization whose goals do not incluside maling a personal profit for its or organizers
27- Objetive The goal intented to be attained (and wich is believed to be attainable)
28- Operations Performance of a practical work or of something involving the