Enviado por cinthialv • 14 de Agosto de 2013 • 537 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 227 Visitas
One can be in favor of globalization and against its current course; the same thing can be for electricity and against the electric chair. –Fernando Salvatore
Globalization can be defined as an economic, technological, social and cultural scale, consisting of increased communication and interdependence among countries of the world uniting their markets, societies and cultures, through a series of social and economic policies that give a global character.
If we look at the world just a few decades ago, we can realize the impact this process has had on the world, and the difference in context we have today.
We are now in a world in which a product can be made anywhere and sold elsewhere, where communication is instantaneous, and the culture of another country is no longer unknown, access to information is shocking, companies fail have a global reach and economy of a country directly affects another, where it is also possible to find previously unknown disease and its treatment, a world full evolution and change.
If we focus on the technology field is growing what technology can do, from the field of health to communication, see for example the change that has had a cell phone in the last ten years, and now offer, added to this is an economy that opens borders and trade allows countries even considered before third world have impressive growth, we note that for the last few years China has gone from being a socialist country to become a world power.
We see how culture is affected because of the opportunity to trade, technology and communication as it allows the knowledge of other cultures, what we see reflected in fashion, trends, icons, etc. .
Health also has great advances knowledge today is thanks to this phenomenon allowed even better genetics and better products like fruits and vegetables, avoid illness and know many others.
This is where we also find international organizations that have supported the growth of these respects cultural, economic, social and technological, and the unification of countries to create a global culture
But despite the benefits that globalization brings huge disadvantages found
We now have a technology subsidiary that is losing its own culture and traditions by having another
While the economy has grown as the crisis we see a country affects many others, as in the case of the latest crisis in the United States, or the recent case of Greece.
Transnational corporations generate damage to small businesses that can not compete with them, creating a consumer culture, completely focused on money or devastate countries markets.
Also observed a monopolization of power and fight for this, and the constant wars that the world faces.
Furthermore although the diseases are now known, there are other generated by new products and habits.
And the impact from my point of view the bigger the damage