- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Gramatica Inglesa

Enviado por   •  23 de Noviembre de 2013  •  264 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  316 Visitas

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Ejercicios Presente Simple

I. Transforme las siguientes oraciones en afirmativo, negativo o interrogativo según corresponda.

1. Peter and Mary travel abroad every weekend



2. My Father works hard



3. Joan's sister drinks two cups of coffee during the morning



4. I read one book a year



5. You study English every Thursday



6. The children go to school this year



7. She goes to the cafeteria at about one o’clock



8. She sends her children to the school



9. He swims there until 7:30



10. Mac loves his life



II. Complete the sentences: Use the correct form of theses verbs.

Boil - close - cost - drink - cost - go - have - like - have

meet - open speak - teach wash

a. She is very smart. She speaks four languages

b. Steve ___________ four cups of coffee a day

c. We usually _____________dinner at 7 o’clock

d. I _______________movies. I often _______________ to the movies with friends.

e. Water ___________ at 100 degrees Celsius.

f. In my hometown the banks _____________ at 9:00 in the morning.

g. The City Museum ________________ at 5:00 o’clock on Saturdays

h. Food is expensive. It ____________ a lot of money.

i. Shoes are expensive. They __________ alot of money.

j. Sue is a teacher. She ______________ math to young children.

k. Your job is very interesting. You _______________ a lot of people.

l. Peter ___________ his hair every day.

m. An


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