- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Guia Cuarto Medio Infinitives And Gerunds

Enviado por   •  24 de Marzo de 2012  •  635 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  783 Visitas

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Colegio Alcántara de la Cordillera

Depto de Idiomas

Miss. Patricia Mondaca Estay


Cuarto Medio

NAME: …………………………………………………………………. DATE: ………………….. MARK: ………………..

Aprendizajes esperados

• Reconocen la forma-función de los elementos morfo-sintácticos presentes en el idioma extranjero.

• Identifican vocabulario específico ensenado en clases.

• Completan y/o escriben oraciones, utilizando y aplicando los conocimientos adquiridos.

I. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the word at the end.

1. This is a great meal, and it doesn’t need a lot of ………………………………. PREPARE.

2. He has the perfect ………………….. for writing stories. IMAGINE.

3. Going to the movies is my favourite form of ………………………………. . ENTERTAIN

4. J.K. Rowling is rich thanks to the ………………………. of Harry Potter. POPULAR

5. I always remember my grandmother for her …………………………….. . KIND

6. From his ……………………………. , I don’t think he was very happy. REACT

II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in parentheses.

1. I love movies with a lot of ……………………….. . (act)

2. That’s a bad cut. I think you might need medical ……………………….. . (treat)

3. I wonder what kind of …………………….. we’ll get this time. (punish)

4. What a great ………………………. ! Let’s go right now. (suggest)

5. Will I get an ……………………. to your party? ( invite)

6. Looking directly at the sun can cause …………………….. . (blind)


7. You need a lot of ………………………….. to write a good sitcom. (create)

8. Let me show you this great job ……………………….. (advertise)

9. It’s complete ………………………. to think you can pass the exams without studying. (mad)

III. Complete the sentences. Use the gerund or infinitive form of the verb.

1. I can’t afford …………………….. (buy) the new U2 CD this month/

2. I want …………………………. (be) a rock star.

3. I’ve decided …………………………… (study) engineering in college.

4. I must remember ………………………. (give) Jenny a birthday present.

5. I don’t mind ……………………….. (get ) up early during the week but not on the weekends.

6. Sorry


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