Gun Control
Enviado por alfrega4 • 17 de Marzo de 2014 • 931 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 198 Visitas
Jose Alfredo Ortiz
ENC 1101
Prof. Timothy Benham
Tuesday December 3th, 2013
Control of Guns in United States Guns can be used to do good or bad actions, but it depends who control the guns. Many people have guns for personal protection or only like sport. They use these guns responsible. At this moment, some people believe that the possession of guns is necessary. Jolly Giant (2013) states that “Violent crimes committed by legal gun owners with guns obtained legally has been in the single digits per year for the entire history of this nation. The number of people killed with these so called “assault weapons” or guns with “high capacity magazines” is more than 50,000 per year, and some of them by the original owner or legal purchaser.” (n.p.). However, in United States of America had happening some tragedy that we have to regret. Everyone in this world has the right to use gun to protect themselves, but we must have a good law of gun control with restrictions that decreases the crime in United States.
What is gun control? The problem starts with the constitution because it allows that everyone has a right to carry any kind of gun without limits. According with William Lambert (1791) “the constitution states that a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” .(n.p.). Some people state that the modification of the second amendment is a blow to the right to defend. In other words, delinquents always are going to use guns to crime no matter if the gun is legally or illegally. Also they states that the government can control all the society if the restrict the guns, so they can do whatever they want. In the other hand, because some tragedies had bloodstained the history of this nation, some people declare that this law needs a change.
People that support the right to carry gun are forgetting the right to respect the human life. Why are they forgetting this? They support this because they forget many tragedies like universities massacres and the high rates of violence that happening at this moment in all the cities and towns of United States.
The massacres in a public places as theaters, schools, and universities is a big example to know that we need to change this behavior. Virginia Tech Massacre is the biggest university massacre in the United States history where a Korean person with mental problem kills five professors and 28 students. According with the Vice President of United States Biden (2013) “The 2007 Virginia Tech shooting illustrated the importance of strengthening background checks to ensure guns are not sold to people who cannot legally buy them” (n.p.) It is unbelievable how a person with mental problem could buy a gun.
The high rates of violence and crime in all the cities of United States is just another example