History of mobile phones
Enviado por yolimavalverde • 25 de Marzo de 2014 • 364 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 179 Visitas
The Mobile Telephony
The history of the mobile phone goes back to the beginnings of World War II, where already saw that was necessary the distance communication from one place to another. The mobile telephony is basically formed by two elements: the communication network and terminals
The mobile or cell phone is an electronic device that allows has access to the network of cellular or mobile phone.
The first mobile phone in the world was created by Martin Cooper, an executive from the phone company Motorola, who after 15 years of studies and $ 150 million invested presented in year 1973 the model DynaTAC 800OX.
In recent years the cellular has evolved considerably, years ago the cellular weighed 780 grams and now weighs approximately 94 grams; it stopped being a big and heavy device to become a small and lightweight device. In the past the cellulars was black and white screen and it only had the functionality to make calls but has been such the evolution that already can talk about multimedia equipment whose technology now brings internet, games, LCD screen, MP3, Cameras etc. A number of technological elements that before did not exist in the cellulars
The main characteristic of this new equipment is its portability that lets you communicate from almost anywhere. Although it’s main function is the voice communication as conventional phone.
Mobile telephony continues a technological direction of large dimension, proof of that is the popular iPhone, which has been able to achieve a new stream regarding the use and handling of the cell, due to its innovative touch screen.
However, this screen had been used before but customers required a pointer pen to use all mobile applications, something that if happen with the touch screen of the iPhone, where you can perform all the functions and tools that have this mobile just use your fingers, which means greater convenience for the consumer.
The iPhone touch screen has meant the consolidation of a new range of phones, giving rise to a technological innovation in mobile telephony.
Recent advances in mobile phone that will become an indispensable tool in modern life. Many people think that the cell is no longer a need to become a luxury item