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Darwin Phones: the Evolution of Sensing and Inference on Mobile Phones

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Darwin Phones: the Evolution of Sensing and Inference on

Mobile Phones

Emiliano Miluzzo†, Cory T. Cornelius†, Ashwin Ramaswamy†, Tanzeem Choudhury†,

Zhigang Liu§, Andrew T. Campbell†

†Computer Science, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA

§Nokia Research Center, 955 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA, USA


We present Darwin, an enabling technology for mobile phone

sensing that combines collab orative sensing and classification techniques to reason ab out human b ehavior and context on mobile phones. Darwin advances mobile phone sensing through the deployment of efficient but sophisticated

machine learning techniques sp ecifically designed to run directly on sensor-enabled mobile phones (i.e., smartphones).

Darwin tackles three key sensing and inference challenges

that are barriers to mass-scale adoption of mobile phone

sensing applications: (i) the human-burden of training classifiers, (ii) the ability to p erform reliably in different environments (e.g., indo or, outdo or) and (iii) the ability to scale

to a large numb er of phones without jeopardizing the “phone

exp erience” (e.g., usability and battery lifetime). Darwin is

a collab orative reasoning framework built on three concepts:

classifier/mo del evolution, mo del p o oling, and collab orative

inference. To the b est of our knowledge Darwin is the first

system that applies distributed machine learning techniques

and collab orative inference concepts to mobile phones. We

implement the Darwin system on the Nokia N97 and Apple iPhone. While Darwin represents a general framework

applicable to a wide variety of emerging mobile sensing applications, we implement a sp eaker recognition application

and an augmented reality application to evaluate the b enefits of Darwin. We show exp erimental results from eight

individuals carrying Nokia N97s and demonstrate that Darwin improves the reliability and scalability of the pro of-ofconcept sp eaker recognition application without additional

burden to users.

Categories and Sub ject Descriptors: C.3 [Special-Purpose

and Application-Based Systems] Real-time and embedded


General Terms: Algorithms, Design, Experimentation,

Human Factors, Measurement, Performance

Keywords: Mobile Sensing Systems, Distributed Machine

Learning, Collaborative Inference, Mobile Phones

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for

personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are

not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies

bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to

republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to


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