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How To Be

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How to Become an Entrepreneur

Posted: 04/30/2014 3:42 pm EDT Updated: 06/30/2014 5:59 am EDT

I recently had the opportunity to give a TEDx talk on 'How to be an entrepreneur?' in

Los Angeles, and I thought back to two years ago when I couldn't even properly

pronounce the word 'entrepreneur.' Back then, I didn't quite understand what

someone did as an entrepreneur or how they became one. Last couple years have been

eye-opening and insightful, needless to say, accredited to some exceptional mentors

who selflessly invested in my growth and self-awareness. During this enlightening

journey, I have discovered answers to some of my questions, while I'm yet to explore

many others.

Here's a summary of what I say to people who ask me "So, how do I become an


1. Think inside the box.

Start from what you know. Start from a problem that you want to see solved. I started, an online platform for job seekers to practice mock interviews with peers and

paid professionals after I screwed up an important job interview, and realized that millions

of people in my shoes are missing out on wonderful opportunities -- possibly their dream

jobs -- because they were not prepared for their interviews or did not know with whom to

practice in real time.

2. Don't just think, Act!

Meredith Perry, 24, is creating waves in Silicon Valley. Two years ago, she walked in her

college classroom with a dead laptop and no charger, and thought that if we can use internet

on our devices wirelessly, why can't we charge our devices wirelessly? Brilliant! Though,

she didn't just wonder this and move on. She acted on it, and saw her idea through. This is

how innovation happens.

3. Be disagreeable.

Of course, there were naysayers. At first, experts and investors deemed Meredith's idea

impossible, but she chose to be disagreeable. She didn't ask, "Can I do this?" She asked,

"How can I do this?" She didn't even have an engineering background, but she did have

Google! Despite all the naysaying, she hustled, researched online, and put together a

prototype by collaborating with people who could dare to be innovative. Through

persistence, and by earning supporters in entrepreneurial people, Meredith found investors

in Andreessen Horowitz, Peter Thiel, and Yahoo's CEO Marissa Mayer.


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