How to become a great boss.
Enviado por Vanessa Ochoa • 6 de Marzo de 2017 • Ensayo • 3.780 Palabras (16 Páginas) • 285 Visitas
Management and business model innovation[pic 1]
Beatriz Gómez
María Fernanda Medrano
Vanessa Ochoa
How to become a great boss.
Chapter 1: Mr. Hart.
Every boss has its own way to attend their employees, but a great boss has a particular characteristics that motivates them and encourage a better job development by make them feel special.
Chapter 2: The great boss simple success formula
This boss we are talking about know how to choose the right people and how to lead them. Listen, train and inspect are essential actions, but the most important is to be grateful.
Chapter 3: Companies do what the boss does
Every company has its own rules and policies, but the boss needs to be the role model. Employees are like little baby´s, they will do what you do. So is important to guide them and be a good example. A great company reflects a great boss.
Chapter 4: The customer is the real boss
The main goal of a company is making the customer happy. Employees work for them, directly and indirectly. The boss should cultivate a good customer service and reduce the problems to keep and get more, because they are the source, the reason of the company.
Chapter 5: Groom ‘em, or broom ‘em.
Adaptability is an important characteristic of an employee. The company might suffer changes among the time, and if an employee wants to continue working in there, he should adjusted. The boss should give them the tools to adapt. In the contrary, the worker becomes irrelevant for the company.
Chapter 6: The new broom need not sweep clean.
When the performance of a business is no longer good, sometimes is hard to solve the issue from the inside. So an external view is considered. The new boss is hired, and he receives the information about the situation. But is important that not take pressured resolutions and don't take nothing for granted. First investigates, proves and then makes the correct decision that will save the company.
Chapter 7: Mediocrity is malevolent
Mediocrity should not be accepted in a company. It takes away all the energy and the vitality of the business. That is why the boss should be always alert and know to detect this kind of people, because once the virus is in, it is hard to eliminate.
Chapter 8: Hire slow, fire fast (part 1)
Always take your time to hire. Consider all the possible aspects and all possible situations when hiring. Meet the candidate well, because the risk of hiring the wrong person will get big consequences to your organization, monetary and organizational. Be careful and slow.
Chapter 9: Hire slow, fire fast (part 2)
Firing is always a difficult situation for a boss and is a decision that affects the person and the company performance. It is recommended to do it fast. Don´t wait. The employee is no longer good for the organization and the complications will grow.
Chapter 10: you don’t have to play hardball
Great employees last in a company, but sometimes their time is over. It is hard to let go a worker that still increases the value of the company despite of the years he has worked. In this cases, the boss should fire with the deserved recognition and respect. “Treat people with dignity, and even the most difficult of circumstances goes better”.
Chapter 11: The one-over-one/veto
The one-over-one/veto in a strategy used to hire. It means that a hiring manager can’t hire someone without the authorization of his superior. This helps the company to avoid making mishire. The veto is a right that the boss uses over the hiring decisions. It helps with a different opinion and vision of the candidate to the hiring manager.
Chapter 12: A+A=A. Only hire A’s
Attitude and ability are the most important characteristics of a great employee. If your employees are “a” players you can be sure the company will reflect that. No space for mediocrity, just for enthusiastic and hardworking people.
Chapter 13: The rule of the Ds
A great boss know about their employees, and most important, identifies their problems. When something is affecting the employees life (is in the ds), it can notice in their work performance, that affects the company. Is vital for the organization find the circumstance and help the employee to solve it.
Chapter 14: “It´s restaurateur, not restauranteur”
A great boss is always trying to improve himself, to be a better person. This chapter talks about a lesson learned of humility. A future boss should not try to impress anyone and stay true to himself, also hear and take advice from a master boss.
Chapter 15: Turn termination into determination
Turn termination into determination is a chapter that talks about second chances. Everyone commits a mistake, even the best candidate for a job. It´s important take the consequences of your actions but also to take advantage of a second opportunity, because they never come twice.
Chapter 16: The seamstress’s son
Success is achieve from intelligent and hardworking people, but they don’t do it alone. The person that was with you in your difficult times o that helped you to get where are you now are part of that success. Be always grateful and true to your principles.
Chapter 17: The generous boss
In the process of hiring, is the boss obligation to inform all the job specifications to the candidate? Make sure that he agrees with that, and it will prevent future problems, such as the one in the passage “the laborers in the vineyard”, that explains the inconformity of the workers even though they accepted the conditions of the job.
Chapter 18. _ Delegate down, down, down.
Boss rule glibly mouthed by all and abused by most.
Delegating without clear direction or without providing appropriate training, you are not delegating, you are relegating. Delegate without a schedule for follow-up and inspection, you haven’t delegated, you have abdicated. Delegate and then rod the employee of authority, of decision making ability and tools, you did not delegate..
Chapter 19. Beware: 7s hire 5s.
A hiring manager is anybody who is in a petition to hire an employee. A weak or average hiring manager scores a 7 on the 10-point scale of competency, ability, experience, attitude, and behavior.
7s hire 5s. 7s do not hire 9s or 10s. 7s do not hire people better than themselves because they instinctively fear competence. 7s can dominate 5s, because they see something of themselves in a 5. 7s re-create themselves, just a weaker strain.
Chapter 20. Ask, “What would you do if I were dead?”