- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

How to hire a Marketing Manager

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Higher Certificate in Business /Office Management/Equine Studies/Social Media

Marketing/Bachelor of Business and Law - Year 2

Project 2015

Plagiarism will be penalised

Two copies to be submitted (1 hard copy - hand in during class and 1 electronic copy - to

Due Date 9am Monday 16 March 2015


Working in groups of four and using appropriate research techniques and existing sources of information you are required to:

  • Review the job description provided and critically analyse its potential effectiveness as a support within the recruitment and selection process
  • Using this job description prepare a person specification for use in the Recruitment & Selection process.
  • Prepare an appropriate advertisement for this position and justify your design (i.e. explain what key elements you have chosen to incorporate in the advertisement and say why and how you think this makes the advertisement effective)


Design a poster outlining key advice for managers involved in Recruitment & Selection. (Include a minimum of two of the following topics: the role of supporting documents/guidance on selection methods/ relevant legislation/good practice in selection activities).

  • Prepare a detailed interview plan (showing the main sections of the interview & indicative timings, a list of actual questions to be asked at interview, the skills/competence that these questions seek to address and the marking scheme that will apply.)
  • References and Bibliography
  • Appendix 1 – Details of how your group met and worked together during the project. May include minutes of meetings or details of agreed actions to be taken, details of problems encountered and how overcome. (1-2 typed pages maximum)
  • Appendix 11 – An individual reflection on the process of working in a group. (see separate handout). (1-2 typed pages maximum)

Your completed project should be approximately 12-15 typed pages excluding appendices. Please refer to marking scheme attached.

NB. Groups of five students are required to complete both activities under bullet point 3 above.

Your attention is drawn to the following regulation concerning late submission of work for assessment. Refer to Student Handbook for more information.

Assignment:        Up to 1 calendar week late – mark out of 80%

From 1 to 2 calendar weeks late – mark out of 40%

More than 2 calendar weeks later – automatic 0%


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