- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  11 de Marzo de 2016  •  Tarea  •  276 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  92 Visitas

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This day I have just finished my last class and one hour before me and my friends had planned go to someplace , however , when I have arrived none of my friends was there . First I have thought that them had not arrived yet but after wait for a while I have started to think that something was not right . After I have tried to think what was wrong , but suddenly , I had remembered that this day 10 years ago I had gone to the same place but for some reason I cannot remember because I had not come to our appointment . The park near my house is full of activity on a sunny weekend afternoon ……. Because of there are , at first , from left to right , people playing basketball in a court , then there is a family with a dog enjoying a beautiful afternoon , finally there are children playing hide and seek.

1. An ugly, big, old, Mexican house.

Opinion: ugly, Size: big, Age: old, Origin: Mexican.

2. A beautiful, big, new, red car.

Opinion: beautiful, Size: big, Age: new, Color: red.

3. An amazing, big, new, black shoes.

Opinion: amazing, Size: big, Age: new, Color: black.

4. A beautiful, small, old, Mexican paint.

Opinion: beautiful, Size: small, Age: old, Origin: Mexican.

5. A big, old, brown, Mexican tree.

Size: big, Age: old, Color: brown, Origin: Mexican.


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