- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  24 de Agosto de 2013  •  931 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  372 Visitas

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* The journalist is sitting on her chair in the scene.

Journalist (Alice): ¡Good evening ladies and gentlemen! I’m Alice. Welcome to the program interviewing to my super star. This night, we have the ANGELS duo.

* The duo gets into the stage.

Journalist (Alice): Good evening ANGELS, tell me. How are you? How’s it going?

Artist 1 (Kathy): Good evening Alice, thanks for your invitation to your program. We are great!!!.

Artist 2: (Caroline): Yes, we are great because the public love us.

Journalist (Alice): Do you have new projects? Do you have a new album perhaps?

Artist 1 (Kathy): Yes, we have many surprises. One of this is a new album. Don’t we? (Kathy looks at Caroline).

Artist 2: (Caroline): Yes, and also… (Caroline is interrupt for the fans).

* The fans look at Angel’s duo to certain distance.

Fan 1 (Saori): Ohhhh! Danna look, look the Angels are there!!!

Fan 2 (Danna): Oh my Good! I’m dying.

* The fans run to the superstars .

Fan 1: (Saori) y fan 2 (Danna) ¡“ANGELS”! ¡“ANGELS”! ¡“ANGELS”! ¡“ANGELS”!


* The Angles duo turns on to look the fans.

Fan 1 (Saori): Caroline. I am your fan number one, I know all about you!

Artist 2 (Caroline smile): Nice to meet you.

Fan 2 (Danna): Kathy you are my idol. I like your voice!!!

Artist 1 (Kathy): Thank you. I sing because I like it.

Fan 1 (Saori): Could you give me an autograph please?

Fan 2 (Danna): Yes, please. I want it too.

Journalist (Alice): Excuse me girls but this is an interview for TV, Could you wait a minute please?

Fan 1 (Saori): Oh please just a moment.

Journalist (Alice, move her head and smile). Ok girls just a moment.

Fan 1 (Saori is excited and give her paper to Kathy): Please Kathy. Write in my paper with love to Saori. Write the same, Caroline please.

Fan 2 (Danna, is excited and give her paper to Caroline): Please put in the paper with love to Danna.

* The Angels finished to signing the autographs.

Artist 1: Good bye girls.

Artist 2: Take care girls.

* The fans go out to the scene. And the journalist tries to continue with the interview.

Journalist (Alice): Well, you’ve being telling me about your new album.

Artist 1 (Kathy): Yes, the next album was called LIFE and it’s going to come out soon.

Artist 2: This new album contains great songs, but…


* The fans return.

Fan 2 (Danna): Please girls! Could you give us other autograph for my brother?

Fan 1 (Saori): And for my cousin please!!!.

* The Angels accept to sign, however the fans to pose for the camera and the journalist look.

Artist 1 (Kathy give her


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