- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ingles 2 Unidad 3 Reading And Studying

Enviado por   •  12 de Julio de 2012  •  637 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  1.673 Visitas

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Answer this question. What have you learned so far about the usefulness of a dictionary as a language learner? Write you answer in Spanish and send it to your teacher.

Lo que he aprendido es que hay muchos tipos de diccionarios, la forma de como usar uno y como buscar palabras claves.

2.Choose one of the activities from the list below.

A)Create family words. Example: imagine ( v ) imagination ( n ) imaginary ( adj ) (CHECK PRONUNCIATION!) Write 10 words.

Interest Interested Interesting

Classify classification classifiable

complete completion completely

excel excellence excellently

excite excitement exciting

lengthen length long

perfect perfection perfect

roughen – roughness rough

surprise surprising surprisingly

widen width wide

wise wisdom wisely


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