- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ingles. ACTIVIDAD EVALUATIVA #1: __ WH. Questions

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REFERENTES TEÓRICOS – PRÁCTICO: __Questions words (WH), WHAT-WHERE-WHEN-WHO-WHY___________________


1)Características de las WH (Questions words) _______________________

2: Elabora una pregunta WH con su respectiva respuesta por cada tiempo verbal dados a continuación:



What time is it?

  • It's eight in the morning.


Where was the party at?

  • The party was at David’s house

Presente simple

Do we work?

  • Yeah, let’s get to work


Pasado Simple

Where did he work?

  • He’s working on the other street

(aux DID).

Presente continuo.

Am I working?

  • Am I working?

Pasado continuo.

Was she working on a story?

  • Yeah, she was working on a story

Futuro simple.

When will he work?

  • He’ll work next week

Presente perfecto.

Have you worked?

  • Yes, I have worked in several companies

Pasado perfecto 

How long had he worked here?

  • He has worked here for over 10 years

(todo en inglés) ________________________________________________________

ASPECTOS A EVALUAR EN LA ACTVIDAD CON SU RESPECTIVO PUNTAJE: __Total acumular 20 pts.__________________


Verbos en 3ra persona.

Verbos en pasado. ______________________________________

REFERENTES TEÓRICOS – PRÁCTICO: _Tiempos verbales: Presente simple (verbos en 3ra persona).

Pasado Simple (aux DID),

Verbos en pasado ________________________________________________________


1: Escribe las reglas de los verbos en 3ra persona.

Reglas para formar la tercera persona del singular:

·Normalmente se forma añadiéndole al verbo una –s final.

I play → He plays

·Si el verbo acaba en −o, −ss. −sh, o −x, se añade −es.

You do → He does

I kiss → She kisses

You push → She pushes

I relax → He relaxes

·Si acaba en −y precedida de consonante, cambia la −y por –ies.

            We study → She studies

·Los verbos modales permanecen exactamente igual: can, may, must, etc.

·El verbo "to have" se transforma en "has". I/you/we/they have, she/he/it has.

Cuáles pronombres personales forman la 3ra persona.

Tercera persona singular

He, She, It

He = él, She = ella, It = una cosa

Tercera persona plural        

They= Ellos

Escribe una pregunta utilizando verbos en 3ra persona por cada pronombre personal afirmas y niegas

(respuesta completa) __________________________________________

Does he play football?

  • Yes, he does play football
  • No, he doesn’t play football

Does she watch TV on weekends?    

  • Yes, she does watch TV on weekends
  • No, she doesn't watch TV on weekends

Does this works?

  • Yes, it does work.
  • No, it doesn’t work.

2: Redacta una actividad (6 líneas) sobre tu comunidad en presente simple y luego conviértela en pasado simple

Presente Simple

My community has an excellent reputation when it comes to confinement. It has the obligation to perform activities for the home, it is very responsible and it has the commitment to enforce the agreed and established tasks. One of its tasks is to maintain the distance dictated by the OMS, to use the cover at all times and to disinfect the hands in all the establishments in the area. The work they have to do is excellent.


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