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Instituto Universitario Puebla

2.2 More from Simple Past

Recuerdas las lecciones del Pasado simple, que repasamos en la lección de presentación 1.0, pues ahora repasaremos esta información To Be en pasado: Explicamos que el verbo to be es un verbo irregular, por lo que al conjugarlo en tiempos verbales como el presente simple o el pasado simple no seguirá las normas. Tiene sus propias formas verbales.

Conjugación del verbo "to be" en pasado simple


I was

We / You / They were

He / She / it was


I was not

We / You / They were not

He / She / it was not

También podemos usar la forma abreviada:

I wasn't

We / You / They weren't

He / She / It wasn't

Como vemos, el verbo to be en pasado simple no utiliza el auxiliar didn't o did not para negar, si no que tiene su propia forma: wasn't o was not y weren't o were not. 


Was I...?

Respuesta afirmativa: Yes, I was

Respuesta negativa: No, I was not  - No, I wasn't

Were we / you / they...?

Respuesta afirmativa: Yes, we/ you/ they were

Respuesta negativa: No, we/ you/ they were not

                            No, we/ you/ they weren't

Practica A: Elige la respuesta correcta:

Choose "Was“ or "Were“:

  1. The teacher [pic 6]nice.
  2. The students [pic 7]very clever.
  3. But one student [pic 8]in trouble.
  4. We [pic 9]sorry for him.

Put the verbs into the simple past/ Pon los verbos en pasado simple

  1. Last year I (go) [pic 10]to England on holiday.
  2. It (be) [pic 11]fantastic.
  3. I (visit) [pic 12]lots of interesting places. I (be) [pic 13]with two friends of mine .
  4. In the mornings we (walk) [pic 14]in the streets of London.
  5. In the evenings we (go) [pic 15]to pubs.
  6. The weather (be) [pic 16]strangely fine.
  7. It (not / rain) [pic 17]a lot.
  8. But we (see) [pic 18]some beautiful rainbows.
  9. Where (spend / you) [pic 19]your last holiday?

Put the sentences into simple past// Pon las oraciones en pasado simple

  1. We move to a new house.  [pic 20]
  2. They bring a sandwich.  [pic 21]
  3. He doesn't do the homework.  [pic 22]
  4. They sell cars.  [pic 23]
  5. Does he visit his friends?  [pic 24]

Write sentences in simple past// Escribe las oraciones en pasado simple

  1. Janet / miss / the bus  [pic 25]
  2. she / tidy / her room  [pic 26]
  3. Nancy / watch / not / television [pic 27]
  4. she / read / a book  [pic 28]

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