- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ingles etapa 2 Actividad de adquisición del conocimiento

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[pic 1]

Preparatoria Número 20

Materia: Ingles III

Profesor:Gabriela Valdes

Tema: Actividad de adquisición del conocimiento



Integrantes:[pic 2][pic 3]


If I do not tend my bed, my mom told me to scold.

[pic 4]

If I do not work on Sunday I will not have money on Monday.

[pic 5]

If I do not go to school, I'll be a donkey.

[pic 6]

If I do not go to English classes, I will never learn it.

[pic 7]

If I do not listen to music, I do not concentrate.

[pic 8]


If clearing of trees is followed in the future there will be no clean air.

[pic 9]

If we use the car a lot we will have a very polluted world.

[pic 10]

If we continue throwing garbage to the rivers we will finish with the fishes.

[pic 11]

If we continue advancing in technology in the future robots will replace us.

[pic 12]

If you keep advancing in cars in the future they will fly.

[pic 13]

Stiven Regalado Flores


If we use too much the car, we will have a horrible climate.

[pic 14]

If I drive a big car the planet will increase it CO2 in the atmosphere.

[pic 15]

If you throw trash in the street we are doing more difficult to recycle the trash.

[pic 16]

If we throw trash in the ocean we can kill a lot of species.

[pic 17]

If we make more petroleum, we are going to finish it.

[pic 18]


If I don’t do my homework the teacher will punish me

[pic 19]

I need to do my chores or I will not go to diligencias.

[pic 20]

I want to be the best in math because I will be a good engineer.

[pic 21]

I just really need to have a 10 in physics and I will go to collegue.

[pic 22]

If I eat a lot of ice cream I will have a flu.

[pic 23]  Emérico González


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