- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Integradora de Ingles prepa 8 4 semestre

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Integrative activity

 High: 8

Semester: 4

Subject: English

 Student: David Alejandro Mares Marroquín

Group: 453

How to avoid problems at school

For most people stay out of trouble is very difficult. However, it is a very important skill. If you can not avoid problems, some consequences can be: get a punishment, suspension, until you can get to drive, not to mention having problems with your parents. So you want to learn to keep your nose clean? Keep reading.

1.- Do not do anything that already "know" that will have consequences. At that time, it may not seem important, and you can even think that no one will know, but when you master this pointing your name and your friends are out of the problem, you'll regret it. So, not bully others, do not hit, do not talk during class, do not use inappropriate words, and "never" touches a rating. You already know the consequences, then avoid them. This does not mean that you do not have fun. You still laugh and go out with your friends, enjoy / learning will relax you and you can invite people out. Too much fun. Do not become a good boy, you just have to know what the limits are. This will bring success to your education.

 1.-Do not take anything That the school considers harmful or prohibited . This May include , grass , weapons, drugs and rubber bands . If your teacher has banned mobile phones or card games, do not wear them to school . You do not want to risk you remove them , This will give you a bad reputation . If you need a phone to Communicate with your parents , keep quiet , NOT IN VIBRATION , and keep it in your backpack . Do not brag to your friends . And if you bring food , do not eat in class or you too will remove it and It could be embarrassing.

3 Try not to eat in class, only if the teacher gives permission. You have time to eat before , after school or during your breaks. Eat all you can in these times. Remember good breakfast . Try to carry a bottle of water when you are thirsty . Nor try to put food on the sly. If you get caught or if you betray it can be embarrassing. Not only it is embarrassing but you could also get into trouble . Do not chew gum either, it can turn into a mess if you get caught or if you do when you're talking to your teacher. Proicura eat one or two mint candy before school or during your breaks.

4 Try to avoid getting into fights. This can be difficult , yes, but definitely worth it . Do not start fights or arguments for any reason, and do not bother anyone. If you have to defend a friend or you can not keep your mouth shut , say things that will keep you out of trouble , such as , "Just leave us alone " or " Can not talk." Something that gives you satisfaction and that will keep you out of trouble. Now with physical fights , try to avoid them at all times. Stay " away" to one, you can get into trouble . And if you have some problems solve them out of school , this includes getting into pelease and fix any problems you may get to have with any other student.


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