It Is Okay To Cry At Work
Enviado por DaisyCC • 23 de Junio de 2015 • 370 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 209 Visitas
Is it Okay to Cry at Work
An employee can experience different emotions at the work place, but an employee should never cry; crying in the work place may be interpreted as a failure or incompetence to perform their “job duties”. It is important that a manager knows how handle these issues at the work place, and understand that job related stress can generate emotions affecting employees making them vulnerable to show their feelings at the work place.
There are factors that makes organizations ineffective at managing emotions. Some of these are the establishment of fear among employees as a method to achieve goals, this method establish a wall between the employee and manager, which affects the way employees express their emotions. In the event that an employee cries at work, it is the manager’s responsibility to know what happened. If the cause of this emotional distress, it is related to the job environment, or if it is something personal. The ineffective managing of emotion can affect good functioning of an organization, understanding the employee’s emotions, can help organizations to work better with those employees and help managers to work more efficiently.
The strategic use and display of emotions serves to protect employees, from coworker that kept their emotions or frustrations suppressed for longest periods of time. When those emotions come out, they are often shown with violence, those employees express their frustrations with their coworkers.
Some of the advantages to using emotions as a management style, is to reach excellent customer service. In my experience, working in a financial institution, there is a constant approach for customers in order to reach quarterly goals. It is important that employees keep their good moods in order to deal with all kind of issues that will arise, and all with the best smile possible.
What can Laura’s company do to change its emotional climate? Fear and intimidation to employees can create a hostile workplace. According to Google “work should not be an obligation imposed by money, but a friendly place where people feel comfortable” (NBC, Today Show, 2007). Due to its friendly work environment, google receives more than 3000 job applications every day, and has been rated by Forbes as the best place to work.
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