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La Republica De India

Enviado por   •  10 de Junio de 2015  •  537 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  174 Visitas

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Seeking for refuge is a desperate action, and the refugee will do anything to escape from a place where danger is imminent for the individual or family, but it is important to consider all the facts involved in the decision of looking for a place is for safety. There are several issues to be taken into account before seeking for refuge in a country: economic and political situation, culture and religious matters, language, job opportunity, legal framework protection, etc.

Current situation in India states that there are some serious facts about India that need to be considered before seeking for refuge and help. Some of our main issues are poor health services, child malnutrition and inadequate education. Recent studies shown, 37 percent of India’s 1.21 billion people fell below the international poverty line $1.25 a day, according to the Indian Planning Commission .Our current economic, health and jobs and legal framework protection are not the best for a refugee. It is not enough to open a door for people in danger. It is important to evaluate all the aspects mentioned before. India is a country that will not assure the development of the individual or the family due to the facts mentioned lines above.

We have maintained an open door policy for all. (2) Even though the republic of India is estimated to have 33% of the world’s poor, our Government has an “open door” position to refugees .It is important to mention that India is not a part of the 1951 Refugee Convention and to its 1967 Protocol on the Status of Refugees (3). Both documents are the base of the legal framework that protects refugees around the globe. It means that the refugees in India are receiving the protection only under the Indian legislation. In other words refugees depend on India’s authorities not in United Nations legal protection.

People who are forced to leave their homes due to persecution, whether on an individual basis or as part of a mass exodus due to political, religious, military or other problems, are known as refugees (1).The republic India with its history, culture, traditions, is today an example of generosity in the way it has opened its borders to all people who have come looking for safety. Some good examples are Tibetans, Afghans, Palestinians, etc

From now on, The Republic of India will no longer receive more refugees. Our government will make its best efforts to improve the situation of the current refugees but will not receive more ones, at least not now. The Republic of India will guide new refuge seekers and asylum seekers to countries that have better conditions for their health, development and security

The Republic of India recognizes the importance of focusing on development to achieve better living standards. We should be allowed to help the refugees that are already in India by implementation of the ‘’shakkar plan”. By providing health and nutrition, education, and housing refugees so they


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