- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  11 de Septiembre de 2018  •  Tarea  •  327 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  208 Visitas

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   Centro Educativo Alfa y Omega     [pic 1][pic 2]

“Where Life Purpose Recovers Value”  

UANL High school 86300 

Semester August - December


Learning Unit: Mathematics 3  

Stage: 1                                                            Activity: Metacognition  

Teacher: Isaias Gutierrez Leal  

Student: Paola Abigail Pompa Juarez                Student #: 1929871 

Date: 22/08/18 

In this stage I acquired new knowledge, for example, if the formulas have a variable and constants, or how a relationship can be represented or what exactly means relationship, domain, function, rank and what is vertical line criteria and many other things, was interesting to learn new things and although it is a tedious little matter I like.

Some of the new themes that we saw were tedious or a bit confusing but there was one that I liked and it was the one of the equalities and inequalities because it is like a puzzle because you must try different ways of solving it and it is curious that whole topic but it is very father, I liked it a lot.

I think from 1 to 10, I'm 8 because I'm good at math, but I can give more of myself to be better and do an excellent job, the only problem is that when I get frustrated I block myself and I do not know how to do it but when I do not I am like that, I do everything right, that is why I say that I have to work harder and be able to give my best.


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